View Full Version : Vinyl Cleaning best products & tools.

07-08-2015, 07:25 PM
I tying to clean boat & golf car seats to remove dirt & color fade . Can I obtain close to the original color from cleaning? ( They have a yellowish tinge from sun, goal is getting them back to white/off white color, & remove dirt stains within the lines from wear and tear )

I am using DP interior cleaner. I feel that I might need something a little stronger , thoughts on Meguiars all purpose, or even degreaser if needed?

For protection
303 to protect, and Wolfgang cockpit .

Using a synthetic scrub brush, I feel I need something slightly more abrasive to achieve desired result. HAs any on used magic eraser?
Also I've seen videos of people using a scrub pad. looks similar to material you would find on back of a sponge, and is about 1/4 the thickness, do you know what I am referring to?
If so do you know where I could purchase this product?
If you have any other recommendations or thoughts beyond whats posted here please let me know! Thank you again for your help!!

07-11-2015, 11:43 PM
Any apc works usually. Go to Walmart I believe, and get those "360 wave brushes". The kind African Americans use for their hair. They are big enough to be usable and come in both soft and hard bristles. I've used them with great success. Spray, scrub, wipe

07-12-2015, 12:20 AM
One of my favorite interior tool is a unique scrub pad from autoglym- autoglym hi-tech hand pad. It is extremely gentle (much gentle than 3m finest scrub pad) yet agitates really well. However, i think it has already been discontinued. Magic eraser is probably the most abrasive product that I am comfortable using especially on leather. Definitely a no no for regular basis but only on really tough stain and when i run out of options. The thing is usually leather that are really dirty are also in poor condition so go slow when using a magic sponge.