View Full Version : Swirl mark removing on black paint

06-28-2015, 02:54 PM
So I bought a black hood from a junk yard (since no one I know has a black car I can practice on) and it did come with some swirl marks(perfect for what I need it for) and I did take them off, all of them.. but when I was wiping the compound and what ever I put on the hood, some scratches would come up again, not tiny ones but big ones, and I could take them off with the microfiber but then more would appear on the other side.. thought it was the microfiber so I switch from 3 new ones out of the pack!! (From costco brand) and still I would see the lines.. it work better if I used some lubricant to take off the compound or wax what ever I wanted to take off, and I tried everything I know of but I got tired...35378 here is a picture top picture is with wax so you can see there is no scratches and the ones in the bottom are with scratches after taking the wax off.. I didn't put pressure when taking them off.. also 35379this picture top left is the before.. so you could see I did take some of the swirl marks, but when wiping of everything o would put the little scratches of I don't know what.. thanks in advance...

06-28-2015, 04:46 PM
A) What compound and Dual action polisher are you using?
B) Maybe you think your getting them off but it's just covering them up, so when you wipe off they are just coming right back?
C) Are they to deep to remove? Incase you don't know how to check, use the finger nail test, if you feel a ridge with your nail, they are too deep
D) Your sure it's not dried polish correct? It looks really dry in the picture
E) Have you been doing a section pass? Reason i ask as in the picture it looks like you are all over. Not judging, just here to help and give advice

06-28-2015, 05:59 PM
I would say either the polish is filling in the scratches. Are you taping off sections when your polishing? Tape residue?

06-28-2015, 07:17 PM
A) What compound and Dual action polisher are you using?
B) Maybe you think your getting them off but it's just covering them up, so when you wipe off they are just coming right back?
C) Are they to deep to remove? Incase you don't know how to check, use the finger nail test, if you feel a ridge with your nail, they are too deep
D) Your sure it's not dried polish correct? It looks really dry in the picture
E) Have you been doing a section pass? Reason i ask as in the picture it looks like you are all over. Not judging, just here to help and give advice

A) I'm using the turtle wax rubber compound, I have a meguiars but I don't remember the name top of my head, but I like the turtle wax rubber compound, to my understanding I think work best taking them off, and it's a GG "6 and I was using a orange pad to compound, blue pad for polishin
B) when I wipe off I take them off and I don't see anything, I don't think it's covering them up because they are not always on the same spot, and I though it was the microfiber because as I wipe they appear, that's why I used 3 different ones
C) no, not deep at all, I can smudge it with my finger and it will remove
D) the picture at the top was wax, maybe thats why it looks dry because of that
E) yeah I actually did the hood on 4 parts if that's what you mean, and yeah don't worry, don't mind it!! I want to learn!
Actually took a picture of the polishing, on the GG I apply it with level 1 spread it out, then I turn it to level 5 to polish it and even to compound it, if that helps? As you can see ib the picture I do use tape and the little panel I'm doing

06-28-2015, 07:18 PM
I would say either the polish is filling in the scratches. Are you taping off sections when your polishing? Tape residue?

I do tape it, but it not showing on the picture what I have taped, on my last picture you can see the tape

06-28-2015, 11:55 PM
First I'd ditch the Turtle Wax compound. Then I'd cut the tags off your towels and wash them before using them. The marks can be from your towels, or rids. Rids can appear after removing swirls if the swirls are severe. If your using OTC products, give Meg's UC a shot. Keep it up and you'll get it dialed in soon.

06-29-2015, 02:58 AM
I would UC first, Then you might want to get a couple plush microfiber towel just for compound and polish removal. Some times the compound drys a little make it harder to remove if so the costco brand microfiber will mar the paint where as a plush towel you can us more presser with out any marring. I have the same problem with costco brand so i change towels and it went away.

06-29-2015, 05:40 AM
I commend your idea for practice

06-29-2015, 12:09 PM
I will give it another try tomorrow guys, since is my day off, and today I come home a little late after work, don't want to upset the neighbors... thanks for all your input and I will also buy some UC megs to see if it's that, and some plush towels, and I will try a new side.

06-29-2015, 04:14 PM
The Costco towels scratch. Use a quality towel on paint

Mike Phillips
06-29-2015, 04:24 PM
Also, use a tape-line to troubleshoot.

If you can get the Meguiar's UC to buff the paint to a clear, haze free finish.

Next buff just a portion of this section using the Turtle Compound and see what happens. If the abrasive technology works in the TWC then it will stay the same or look better. If the abrasive technology doesn't work then the TWC will make the UC section look worse.

Learn to troubleshoot when dialing in products and process via comparison.


06-29-2015, 06:52 PM
Also, use a tape-line to troubleshoot.

If you can get the Meguiar's UC to buff the paint to a clear, haze free finish.

Next buff just a portion of this section using the Turtle Compound and see what happens. If the abrasive technology works in the TWC then it will stay the same or look better. If the abrasive technology doesn't work then the TWC will make the UC section look worse.

Learn to troubleshoot when dialing in products and process via comparison.


Sound like a good Idea since I still have 4 more side of the hood to do, I'll make them smaller so I have more to do.. I did one with just wax and the scratches didn't come up so I'm really thinking it might be the turtle wax that's doing the damage.