View Full Version : Best overall WOWA for Longevity and Ease of Application?

06-24-2015, 10:29 AM
I am looking for a WOWA sealant for a buddy who just purchased a new vehicle, wants to start washing it himself, and wants an easy way to keep the paint protected. I've explained to him how WOWA sealants work and he seems to like the "ease of use" factor that they offer.

I've used Ultima Paint Guard Plus in the past and like it, but that's the only one I've ever used, so I'd like to gather some opinions from you fine gentlemen.

Which of these do you think is the best overall, considering ease of application, longevity, and shine/appearance?

Ultima Paint Guard Plus
Blackfire Crystal Seal
Wolfgang Deep Gloss Liquid Seal
My car (and my buddy's new Audi) are black so consider that factor please.

Thanks for your opinion, and feel free to chime in on any other brands that you've tried.

06-24-2015, 11:02 AM
I can't say which is best of the three, but if ease of use is a factor, how about a spray sealant like CarPro Hydro2 instead?

06-24-2015, 11:06 AM
I can't say which is best of the three, but if ease of use is a factor, how about a spray sealant like CarPro Hydro2 instead?

How long will it last?

06-24-2015, 11:12 AM
Ultima Paint Guard Plus. Have seen almost two years. Washed weekly. It does stay in a garage, but a lot of time on the road. I was more impressed with this than some of the coatings I've tried.

06-24-2015, 11:12 AM
How long will it last?

Hydro2 probably 3 months or so.

The difference between Hydro2 and the others are, the others you wipe on, spread and walk away. DONE.

Hydro2 is sprayed on a wet panel and immediately rinsed off. No wiping. BUT, it must be done on a cool surface out of the sun. Not everyone can hose their cars off in a shaded area.

All of the above are good options.

06-24-2015, 11:22 AM
I've only tried one and I really like it.

Prima Hydro Max

Prima Hydro MAX Super Spray Polymer (http://www.autogeek.net/prima-hydro-max.html)

On a clean car, wipe on and walk away in 10-12 minutes. Use it on paint, chrome, wheels, glass, plastic. I use it on everything except the tires.

Manufacturer said it will last 3-5 months. No streaks, ever. It's basically goof proof and since it's so easy I'll find that I actually use it once a month.


06-25-2015, 01:10 PM
Blackfire Crystal Seal

06-25-2015, 01:12 PM
I've only tried one and I really like it.

Prima Hydro Max

Prima Hydro MAX Super Spray Polymer (http://www.autogeek.net/prima-hydro-max.html)

On a clean car, wipe on and walk away in 10-12 minutes. Use it on paint, chrome, wheels, glass, plastic. I use it on everything except the tires.

Manufacturer said it will last 3-5 months. No streaks, ever. It's basically goof proof and since it's so easy I'll find that I actually use it once a month.



06-25-2015, 02:20 PM
Ultima's Ultima Paint Guard Plus:
They (Premium Finish Care) "invented" this genre.


06-25-2015, 02:50 PM
All three are amazing products, I would have to say it just comes down to personal preference.

My preference is Blackfire CS.

06-25-2015, 05:28 PM
Yep... I have 4 of the 5 discussed. The way BF and WG go on/off is INCREDIBLY easy!
Haven't tried the Hydro-Max but on one vehicle thus far, so can't comment on longevity. OTOH I did give it a torture test by doing nothing but a quick rinseless on the hood of my daughter's Sportage in the driveway on Fathers Day. It was in the BLAZING SUN, rinsed twice, wiped clean, then did the torture test to see if HydroMax would smear etc. Seemed to take well from what I could see (being blinded by the freaking sun). :rolleyes:

OTOH I'd not recommend HydrO2 so much. It takes quite a careful application to get it not to streak. Must start at the top, must not do but SMALL areas, must rinse THOROUGHLY, apply to a new section, work down, roof, (section 1, section 2 etc.), windows, hood (multiple sections), trunk, then front fender, door, back fender, and FINALY do the bumpers.

Takes a lot of spraying with a VERY small amount of product, even more rinsing, and after the fact you still have to dry. Then if even a small amount of it sat too long, was too strong, didn't get rinsed well enough, it'll STREAK LIKE CRAZY. :eek: (And the only way to get it off is to buff it!) :rolleyes:

It's pretty cool though other than all the trouble it takes to get it right. ;)

End of the day though I still prefer a WOWO sealant (even two coats sometimes, but still easy enough to put it on by machine and go over it twice the first time around). They just provide (IMO) a much more durable end result.

I know I had multiple coats of both BF and WG on my car last year when St. Augustine sprinkler water got on it and it eat through it in a matter of hours, and we caught it at breakfast.... long before any sun had gotten to the car(s). The paint was so etched from that hard water loaded with limestone and calcium that I ended up having to polish it (again) when we got home. Went with a coating again. (There was an older coating on it before/under the WOWA products, but none are a match for St. Augustine sprinkler water!) :(

06-29-2015, 08:06 PM
Just want to say thanks to all of you who replied.

I've told my buddy to go with WG. I've used UPGP before and it can be finicky (streaky) on black paint if too much is used, and I'm afraid my buddy might have a learning curve (will take him a while to realize just how little of this type of product is needed).

So, to keep it as goof proof as possible for him, WG it is. I should add that I get great results with UPGP myself. I'm just not sure it's the easiest product to use on black paint for a complete newbie.

Thanks for everyone's input.