View Full Version : Fireworks set off on cars

06-21-2015, 07:21 PM
Our area has seen a few incidents with kids placing fireworks directly on top off on top of vehicles and setting them off. I'd like to offer to help mitigate the damage as best I can.

I know the diffinitive answer is a body shop, but know most people can't afford/don't want to pay for that.

I am curious if anyone has seen this type of damage before and if claying/polishing/sealing would be beneficial or pointless. I know I can't correct the damage or even significantly improve it but would like to be able to help as much as I can.

I would be offering this free of charge.

I'm waiting on pictures /inspections. Did a search for this type of damage but only seen firework fall out damage.


W.O.T Srvices
06-21-2015, 09:54 PM
When it happened where i used to live it all depended on what damage was left. Sometimes a simple wash to remove the marks. Other times it would require repair due to paint being burnt.

Mike Phillips
06-22-2015, 04:34 PM
A simple test would be to apply a one-step cleaner/wax and see how much damage it will undo.

Should remove any topical stains off the paint.

For any deeper defects you'll need a compound or a polish.
