View Full Version : New Plan

09-07-2007, 02:54 PM
Alright I switched cars for a little bit and I am driving a black IS300 for about a month and I want it to look up to its potential. I dont have the space here to do a full polish on it so I am planning on filling in the minor swirls with a glaze for now.

Here is the plan what do y'all think?

Wash-Megs GC
Wheels-PB Spray and Rinse
Glaze-Clearkote RMG by hand

My questions are-Do I have to wait for the sealant to cure before I put on the wax?? Also I have a few other waxes I have been thinking of trying on this car but I just want to try MaxWax. I have SSII,NB,NR, and MaxWax. The car will be cleaned weekly with PB spray and wipe and every other week will get a coat of Spray Souveran or AW.

09-07-2007, 03:00 PM
I'm using MaxMax over WG on my black Tacoma and am very happy with the looks, I'm not sure if the WG will bond correctly over the glaze but maybe someone else here can comment on that.

Yes, you should let the sealant cure before putting the wax on.

09-07-2007, 03:38 PM
how long does the sealant have to cure? like 12 hours or something?

09-07-2007, 03:45 PM
Yes, I think that's what is recommended. I usually seal one day, preferably early since I don't have a garage and condensation is a problem at night, use PB S&W or a QD the next day before applying the wax.

09-07-2007, 05:05 PM
I thought you bought some Menzerna, anyway to answer your question, let the WG cure for atleast 12 hours before applying wax. Also you want to let WG sit for @45 minutes before removal, comes off very easy. Reason I asked @Menzerna is I see no improvement w/RMG, you could just use po106 and get better results.

09-07-2007, 07:52 PM
I don't think you can put WDGS, or any sealant, on top of RMG.

09-07-2007, 10:49 PM
I don't think you can put WDGS, or any sealant, on top of RMG.

I think there are a few, but not sure so I will let the experts elaborate.

09-08-2007, 03:24 AM
I dont know who started the rumor that I bought menz. but I dont have any yet unless meghan reads this and feels sorry for me and sends some to me.

I dont have my PC down here with me so correction is kind of out of the question/.

09-08-2007, 03:27 AM
Alright I switched cars for a little bit and I am driving a black IS300 for about a month and I want it to look up to its potential. I dont have the space here to do a full polish on it so I am planning on filling in the minor swirls with a glaze for now.

Here is the plan what do y'all think?

Wash-Megs GC
Wheels-PB Spray and Rinse
Glaze-Clearkote RMG by hand

My questions are-Do I have to wait for the sealant to cure before I put on the wax?? Also I have a few other waxes I have been thinking of trying on this car but I just want to try MaxWax. I have SSII,NB,NR, and MaxWax. The car will be cleaned weekly with PB spray and wipe and every other week will get a coat of Spray Souveran or AW.
Skip sealant, it won't bond to glaze.