View Full Version : Detail on 2007 Honda S2000

06-01-2015, 01:06 PM
Long story short, I detailed my 2002 Honda s2000 silver color. Car came out beautiful. I used chemical guys product (not that this part is that important) which consisted of v36 scratch/swirl remover, with a finishing polish, a glaze, sealant, and wax. The car came out flawless. I also have black hardtop on the car and it came out great. I did all the polishing during the week. Waited a few days before I got around to buying gold class paste wax, and then I waxed the car. The paste wax was going on super thick and incredibly hard to get off.

Fast forward I detailed my friends 2007 Honda s2000 color black. In the same day we used v36 swirl scratch remover, with a finishing polish. We then added a glaze and sealant, and then waxed it. The wax went on very blotchy and was extremely hard to come off. I still don't feel the wax was removed all the way because I can still see patches in the photos i took. We did all of this in the same day. The car looked absolutely beautiful, until we pulled it into the sun. When we took it into the sun there was marring and holograms and everything else. It just looked terrible. I don't know if it was the poor wax job?

I would like to know if you could tell me how to fix it? Do we need to start over from scratch and do it step by step and pull it into the sun to see what caused that?

Also my orange cutting pad turned black on his car, I don't know if that would be dirt or paint. Is there a way to tell? I tried to clean the pads and they are still like black or dark. I'm assuming they are no longer good to be used on other cars. Thanks in advance this is giving me such a migraine!!

06-01-2015, 01:33 PM
Post the pictures

06-01-2015, 02:19 PM
Off the top of my head, it sounds like the polishes were not broken down completely and you didn't inspect your sections as you went with a light source. Probably looked good when you wiped off, but without inspecting with a "swirl light" or removing the residual polish oils left behind there were most likely swirls/defects that were not removed and you didn't notice until you got the car outside. Could also be the wax didn't play well with you glaze/sealant. What did you use to clean your pasds?

06-02-2015, 10:35 AM
I was using the bucket pad washer and also the chemical guys pad cleaner. I wouldn't imagine that the porter cable I'm using would take off paint, and I didn't notice any areas where it looks like paint was removed. The car could've been dirty also.

What's weirder is my friend called me yesterday and told me his car looks normal. I'm going to inspect it today and take more pictures then i'll post back.

I'm also thinking that mixing wax with the jetseal before the jetseal was cured my have also done some weird stuff. I think in the future if I decide to add wax after jetseal, i'll wait at least 12 hours. I did my black oem hardtop and it came out and still looks like a mirror, which is why this whole thing confused me.

Thanks for the help

06-02-2015, 11:13 AM
If the pads are dirty though, or there's black paint in them, they are now trash correct? I'll post pics of the pad when I get pictures of the car.

06-02-2015, 01:46 PM
You shouldnt have black paint on the pads... not on a 2007. Unless you went through the clear coat and/or the car was repainted without clearcoat... or its dirt.