View Full Version : Ultima Paint Gaurd Plus Cure Time?

05-29-2015, 06:40 AM
Hi all,

Tomorrow I plan on applying the Paint Gaurd Plus and have a few questions.

Plan is to wash, clay, and then apply the Ultima Paint Prep Plus before applying the Paint Gaurd.

What is the best way to apply the Paint Prep Plus? I assume it is like the other Ultima products in the sense that a little goes a long way? Can I apply it by hand or do I have to use a machine?

After prepping the surface I plan on appling the Paint Gaurd Plus; wait 45 minutes and then applying a second coat.

Probably the biggest question is how long should I wait before I can drive it. Tomorrow there is a chance of afternoon thunderstorms, pretty much the standard forcast for the entire summer.

Thanks for any advice.


Setec Astronomy
05-29-2015, 06:47 AM
As far as the prep, do you have a machine? If the vehicle is well maintained (as in polished recently), hand application of the Paint Prep should be fine. If the surface is questionable, a machine application is certainly going to give you better cleaning/prep.

As you noted about the weather forecast, you may have to take what you can get as far as cure time before exposure to water, but a general rule of thumb would be 12 hours for a product like this. Of course if it gets wet before then, it's not all going to wash off. I would say as long as it sets a couple of hours you shouldn't be too worried. Besides, WOWA sealants are really easy to top off after the next wash.

05-29-2015, 09:12 AM
Thanks for the reply. Paint is in good condition so the prep is more to give the paint gaurd a tooth to stick to.

I might flip my plan to apply the paint gaurd in the afternoon and then it can sleep in the car curing overnight.

Klasse Act
05-29-2015, 10:11 AM
This is a great product, you'll really like it, enjoy!