View Full Version : what would you do ?

05-28-2015, 12:52 PM
so my friend has a black trans am and he wants me to detail it for him. its garage kept but the paint is really bad. its not faded or very oxidized just very scratched and thin. he said that a guy that did it a few years back really burned through the clear coat. since i dont have a gauge there is no way to tell how thin it is.

so i have 2 different plans of attack. i would like to know what you would choose and why. also if cquartz can cover up defects and if so how many coats to do so.

option 1

wash , clay , light polish with flex, glaze , and seal

option 2

wash, clay, light polish, eraser, cquartz

what will cover the most defects and produce the best end result

Feed back please


05-28-2015, 12:58 PM
I've only used CQUK on my own vehicle. Based on it alone, it does not hide defects, it only seals them in. For hiding or minimizing defects that can't be polished out, glaze is the way to go.

Setec Astronomy
05-28-2015, 01:14 PM
Some pictures would help.

05-28-2015, 02:17 PM
Option 1 is going to be your best bet.

As you stated "that a guy that did it a few years back really burned through the clear coat"; there isn't any real need for pics. I think most of us have seen this type of damage before.

You don't have any other options available other than to maybe help to schoool your friend with regard to proper washing technique. :xyxthumbs:

05-28-2015, 03:14 PM
Option 1 for sure unless he's not a close friend .....

Setec Astronomy
05-28-2015, 04:14 PM
As you stated "that a guy that did it a few years back really burned through the clear coat"; there isn't any real need for pics. I think most of us have seen this type of damage before.

Yeah, maybe we have, except the owner and the OP are not really expert and are asking for a diagnosis, which is just going to be a shot in the dark unless we see the paint. Sheesh.

You're a professional detailer, do you give quotes based on what the client says on the phone, or do you need to see the car?

05-28-2015, 04:57 PM
Yeah, maybe we have, except the owner and the OP are not really expert and are asking for a diagnosis, which is just going to be a shot in the dark unless we see the paint. Sheesh.

You're a professional detailer, do you give quotes based on what the client says on the phone, or do you need to see the car?

It depends upon which client I'm speaking with. Not all customers are dumb about things like this and you'd be surprised just how many know the difference between a scuff and a scratch
Chill out.
Of course any pro is going to quote AFTER seeing the project.

05-28-2015, 07:14 PM
i am going to use CG glaze with 3dPoxy ill take some before and afters
thanks for the help !