View Full Version : Is this how a natural chamois should be?

05-21-2015, 12:53 PM
So I ordered a 6.5 sq. ft natural chamois a while back -- admittedly not from auto geek, which is perhaps why I'm unsure of the towel's condition -- and have two questions regarding it. Both these questions deal with how the towel was when I first got it (and how the towel still is); I am not asking about some changes that have occurred over time.

1) Should the chamois be a nice rectangular/square shape? I feel like it should, but at 6.5 sq. ft I realize that a rectangular shape may not be possible. My chamois is not rectangular; it is the shape of the sheep (? It's Tanner's select which I believe uses sheep skin). This, as well as the large size, make it a bit unwieldy.

2) The chamois does not have a uniform feel: most of it is very smooth while certain areas are rugged/rough, and in my opinion seem like they could perhaps leave small marks on the paint. To me it seems like the rough areas lack oil, or simply have less oil than the rest of the chamois. I have attached two images to this post showing a "rough" area and a "smoother" area. Both images are from the same side of a chamois Should the surface be non-uniform like this?

I washed it in warm soapy water using car soap when I got it. I also air-dry it out of direct sunlight and store it in an air-tight container, so I don't think that the roughness is the result of me not caring for the chamois properly. Additionally, the smoothness/roughness occurs on the same side of the chamois, so what I am feeling should not be a difference in nap.

05-21-2015, 01:01 PM
It's a natural product, so imperfections are normal.