View Full Version : Windshield Chip Fix Rant

05-14-2015, 01:02 PM
Sorry had to blow off some frustration :angry:

Had to have a chip fixed in my windshield this morning for insurance purposes, used the company that replaced the windshield on my wife's car twice and they did good work at their shop. I tried to stay easy going b/c people aren't freaks like us about detailing. I ask him if he needs a step stool b/c I don't want anything scratched etc. So he starts to do the repair and then opens my door and climbs all over the inside with and I notice how dirty his hands are and then when he is done he starts wiping down my hood which is covered in light dirt/dust with his dirty paper towel! I finally had it and was like "dude, would you just stop, I know you mean well but just stop touching the paint." You know I always feel like a freak when I say something prior to something like this happening, but then always regret not saying something after this kind of thing happens. No it isn't a huge deal I guess just really irritates me, ok rant over.

05-14-2015, 01:55 PM
I would rather set the bar BEFORE they start and set extreme parameters then to feel sorry after the fact at having "allowed" the molestation.

I've delivered a couple of my client's cars to the bodyshop for repair prior to coating and ALWAYS tell them not to blow the dust, wash the car etc.... They are actually happy to see me because it removes a couple of step prior to delivery. I take care of all that clean up for them

05-14-2015, 03:30 PM
I once had a paintless dent repair done. After they removed the dent, they took some sort of compound on some sort of rag and removed whatever marks they had left and inflicted nice swirls. I initially cringed but then just let it go and fixed it when I got home. Fortunately it was a small area about the size of a pancake.