View Full Version : Meguiars APC vs Simple Green

05-13-2015, 09:48 PM
So it seems that Meguiars APC is a favorite around here for interior cleaning. Simple Green seems to be loathed. So does anyone know what exactly is the difference between them? What ingredient does one have over the other that is better or worse?


05-13-2015, 09:53 PM
One is made for general apc use and the other is made specifically for cars. I feel safer using the one made for cars, especially on thousands of dollars worth of seats and covers...

05-13-2015, 09:53 PM
So it seems that Meguiars APC is a favorite around here for interior cleaning. Simple Green seems to be loathed. So does anyone know what exactly is the difference between them? What ingredient does one have over the other that is better or worse?


Meguiars is aimed towards the auto crowd. The detergents, cleaning agents, etc. are more or less chosen with that in mind.

Simple Green has been known to discolor and is really I think meant more for home / office use. Floors, counters, sinks, etc.

That said, I started out using Simple Green and never had any real problems and it did work alright. With offerings from Meguiars and now I'm really enjoying DP APC even more, Simple Green stays in the kitchen as it were.

05-13-2015, 10:00 PM
If you don't mind...
Would you please be more specific as to which
Meguiar's APC, and to which Simple Green
products you're referencing? TIA.


05-14-2015, 12:24 AM
There is also a price advantage to using Meguiars' APC I would assume.

A gallon of Concentrate is about 17$ and you can make 11 galons of cleaning solution using 10 gallons of distilled water. Let's say the water costs you 10$ that's 27$ for 11 gallon or 2.45$ per gallon. I really doubt simple green can get anywhere near that price point.

05-14-2015, 03:14 AM
Meguiars APC (D101) is good stuff :)

05-14-2015, 07:53 AM
Meguiars APC also has a foaming agent in it. It really helps clean surfaces when you agitate it with a brush.

05-14-2015, 07:58 AM
I found Simple Green to be far too strong for use on the interior of a car. The only time I used it, it removed the painted markings from the blinker stock on my wife's car and significantly faded markings on other surfaces.

I prefer to use something milder and formulated for auto interiors.

05-14-2015, 08:05 AM
I wouldn't let simple green anywhere near my interior. APC for sure.

-note 4 powered by T-Mobile

05-14-2015, 10:37 AM
Meguiars APC also has a foaming agent in it. It really helps clean surfaces when you agitate it with a brush.

I wonder why that argument for foaming never seems to apply to car wash products..

05-14-2015, 10:38 AM
Meguiars APC is formulated for use on interior surfaces of a car. Simple Green is not. Megs D101 has a very pleasant fragrance, and as mentioned before, has foaming agents which makes it great for use on carpet. It also can be safely used on leather and is very effective at cleaning leather while not drying out or damaging the surface and leaving no residue behind. I have used D101 and it basically restored a dirty tan leather seat to like new.

Simple Green has its place in the home, but not on the inside of my car!

05-15-2015, 05:51 AM
Well put Jaretr1. Bottom line for me is D101 my preferred APC because of its great cleaning ability on both hard surfaces and carpets.