View Full Version : I must really be bored

Don M
05-13-2015, 07:31 AM
It's one of those days, it's cloudy a bit cool (48*) kind of windy and it rained a little bit last night. To top it off, I looked out the front window and saw that some feathered beast with unmarried parents had left a long deposit on my fender, that went all the way from the top of the panel to the rocker panel. I go outside to hose it off and I find that the bird must have eaten some glue because it didn't want to come off, even with the full pressure of the hose beating down on it. After 5 futile minutes, there was still a good sized streak running down the fender, so I soaked a mf cloth with water and heavily sprayed the cloth and the fender with UQD. Then wiping gently in the direction of the stain, I slowly removed the rest of the offending poo. Then to make sure all traces of the avian assault was gone, I hit the panel with another blast from the hose, rinsing the whole area. Now I have a clean spot :( and until I find out what the weather is going to do today, there's no point in doing a wash to get the last few days of pollen and tree "helicopters" off the car, all I can do is stare out the window at my wet & dirty car :cry:

To make matters worse, the grass is wet and I can't mow the lawn. See, our mower has been broken and I haven't been able to mow since the beginning of the season. We just got a new one, and while the front yard wasn't too bad, the backyard is a jungle with much of the grass over 1.5 feet tall. I was able to cut it down to a more manageable level yesterday ... on the mower's highest setting, but the grass was so tall, at least 50 percent of it was pushed down and not cut by the blade and now it's springing back up ... it looks like a 6 year old who just gave himself a haircut with clippers. Fortunately though this mower is an excellent mulcher and didn't leave clumps of grass everywhere. But I figure I still have to mow the back at least twice more to get it where it needs to be. The first cut was from the house to the back fence and the second will be from side to side and the third will be on a diagonal, so I make sure I get all the grass that's lying down....

HOW SAD IS THAT??? ... I'm actually WANTING to do yard work instead of cleaning my car ... of course if I get the lawn finished, the wife can't complaint (too much anyway) about me "messing with my car."

05-13-2015, 08:32 AM
... I'm actually WANTING to do yard work instead of cleaning my car ...

of course if I get the lawn finished,
the wife can't complaint (too much anyway)
about me "messing with my car."
I don't think this sounds like you are "bored".
More like scared! :D


Don M
05-13-2015, 08:34 AM
I don't think you sound "bored".
More like scared! :D


If you knew my wife, YOU'D be scared too :laughing:

05-13-2015, 08:45 AM
If you knew my wife, YOU'D be scared too :laughing:

http://www.autogeekonline.net/gallery/data/500/image1301.jpg (http://www.autogeekonline.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/94930)



05-13-2015, 09:26 AM
Hey Don, my sentiments exactly!!!

They tell me it is 51 degrees here on the central Maine coast, quite windy (I can see plenty of whitecaps on the bay) and the grass is high and so wet I won't mow it! I did manage to clear some bird doo off the car on Sunday - nothing as wicked as your challenge.

Then I thought I might start my first new-b swirl removal project --- but it rained. Been waiting two solid months to try out all the AG stuff -- and can't get a break in the weather.

And this morning, the pollen arrived and coated everything horizontal, my red Camry now has a yellow/green overcoat! Looks like I might have to wait another 4-6 weeks to learn my new-b lessons.

My wife thinks I am nuts to become a new-b at 70

Wishing you much better weather -- and --I think my wife might be your wife's twin! ;)