View Full Version : Need some advice on approaching people

05-08-2015, 08:13 AM
Hey everybody I'm looking for some advice on approaching people. I'm going to be attending a few car shows in my area soon and would really like to get some new customers.

What are some techniques you have used for approaching people about detailing their cars? I really don't like coming off as the "salesmen" but I guess with trying to sell your services its inevitable. My goal is to just get a few new customers.

Any feedback, tips/tricks, do's/don'ts would be really appreciated. Thanks

Feed back please

05-08-2015, 08:39 AM
I found its not wise to point out defects on their car, wear a company shirt and 8 times out of 10 the car owner will notice and ask about your services. Also have a car there that shows your work

05-08-2015, 09:33 AM
Bring business cards. Have a car there to showcase your work. Just be casual. Maybe ask them who does their current detailing? Or ask if they are in the market for a local detailer?

Good luck... it's a fine line trying to approach people without insulting them or putting them on the defense, especially at a car show.

05-08-2015, 09:45 AM
As someone who shows her car, I can tell you that most people don't want to hear it if you just approach them. HOWEVER, I've given out a lot of business cards for my detailer because my car has so much gloss compared to every other car there. I also mention I don't have to wax it (coating) and that's a big draw for a lot of the older car guys who would rather cruise on nice days than wax.

05-08-2015, 10:00 AM
As someone who shows her car, I can tell you that most people don't want to hear it if you just approach them. HOWEVER, I've given out a lot of business cards for my detailer because my car has so much gloss compared to every other car there. I also mention I don't have to wax it (coating) and that's a big draw for a lot of the older car guys who would rather cruise on nice days than wax.
So true! My coworkers started asking me to do their cars just from the few they'll actually see my car or hear about how meticulous I am detailing. Then they will see what I did to one person's car and that is its own advertisement. I also listen to people talk about how cheap lol they're cheap car wash service is and they'll say we'll geez I might as well have went to you. Or their try to do a half hearted job themselves and they ACTUALLY realize more damage is being done then paint cleaned.

More often than not other things beside our words over time speak a lot louder and more clear

05-08-2015, 10:02 AM
I do want to strangle some people at times when they blatantly do harm to their paint often. The urges are their lol

05-08-2015, 11:32 AM
It's good just to be a people person and just talk about their cars with them. I always find it helpful to get a little redbull buzz going, then that motivates you to talk! After you talk to them about their cars you ask them more personal questions like where they're from, what they do for a living, and alot of times you will get asked the same thing. When this happens, then you can start talking more about what you do and detailing. And if they're interested, then you take it a step further.

This way you aren't trying to shove your sales pitch down their throats, you are just shooting the breeze and making friendly conversation. People will like you a lot more when you have something in common, instead of trying to make money off of them, (which you are;)

05-08-2015, 11:43 AM
Most car shows this time of year are HOT. People are in the sun and sweating. Bring a cooler with a few cases of bottled water. Go around handing out small (8oz) bottles of cold bottled water with your business card.

You will be popular.

Make it beer and you will be even more popular.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

05-08-2015, 03:40 PM
Most car shows this time of year are HOT. People are in the sun and sweating. Bring a cooler with a few cases of bottled water. Go around handing out small (8oz) bottles of cold bottled water with your business card.

You will be popular.

Make it beer and you will be even more popular.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Great advice!

05-08-2015, 03:41 PM
It's good just to be a people person and just talk about their cars with them. I always find it helpful to get a little redbull buzz going, then that motivates you to talk! After you talk to them about their cars you ask them more personal questions like where they're from, what they do for a living, and alot of times you will get asked the same thing. When this happens, then you can start talking more about what you do and detailing. And if they're interested, then you take it a step further.

This way you aren't trying to shove your sales pitch down their throats, you are just shooting the breeze and making friendly conversation. People will like you a lot more when you have something in common, instead of trying to make money off of them, (which you are;)
I like that! :)

05-08-2015, 04:09 PM
I also attend car shows both because I enter them, but also because I like to subtly sell my services to potential clients.

My approach? Honest, personable and humble.
I compliment them on their car. Maybe make a comment about the paint finish ...."man, you've got a beautiful finish on this car!".
........ "you must wax this car religiously" .......

They'll comment and usually warm up to someone who is genuinely admiring and complimenting them on their car.

Just through conversation I'll lead into what I do for work and voila ..... here's my card.

The best thing you can do it to have a QR code embedded on your business cards. I couldn't tell you how many times I have handed out a business card and had the customer pull up my site while we're talking. They'll look at pics, services and ask questions.
I even had one client come looking for me to see about scheduling before I left the show. It's all about your approach, confidence in yourself and your services and ultimately coming across in a friendly way.