View Full Version : Fuel Matte Black Rims & Cleaners

05-05-2015, 08:47 PM
I just put some new Fuel Krank Matte Black Rims (some of the face is milled) on the rig and have been searching all kinds of posts on the internet looking for products that are safe to use with matte black rims.

1) I want a good cleaner to use on my tires since they have kind of a brown look to them but don't want anything that will ruin my rims since some of it will obviously run onto them.

2) Fuel recommends just washing the rims with a mild soap and drying them and that's it but I want to put a sealant on them to help protect them. I see there is soap for matte black rims but I am unable to get any in my area, what other soaps would be safe to use on them?

3) Is there a product that is safe for matte rims to remove brake dust? (iron-X?)

4) I have seen sealants like Dr. Beasley, nanolex, chemical guys jet seal for matte rims but for me to order them and get it shipped is going to cost $65 just for shipping so I was wondering what other products people have used on the rims that helped protect them since these are quite the investment.

5) Also looking on recommendations on a nice tire dressing that wont sling all over the paint, and has a nice dark look rather than a super glossy look.
Thanks A lot guys

davey g-force
05-05-2015, 09:30 PM
1) APC - dilution ratio will depend on how dirty they are
2) Any car wash soap would be safe
3) ?
4)Well, you can use an OTC sealant like Meguiars' UW but it may impart some shine to the finish. Is that an issue? Come to think of it, their new PP365 is supposed to impart little to no shine, and is very durable.
5) I like Meguiar's D163, but there are plenty of good ones.