View Full Version : Polishin' Pal and Poorboy's Polish & Protect Kit

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06-17-2006, 05:38 PM
So right now in my shopping cart I have these two items in the basket.
I have the acess to a circular buffer but I am not comfortable enough to use it and I dont have the money to buy the dual action one.

So will the Polishin' Pal be enough and how exactly do I use it.


06-18-2006, 08:39 AM
polishing pal is nice for getting harder to reach spots with buffer, but it doesnt offer the speed and power of the PC and similar to hand polishing. So it will help, but you will likely want a PC as soon as $$ permit.

06-18-2006, 01:24 PM
So how exactly should I go about using these together?

Wash the car.
Then use the SSR 2.5 then the SSR 1 and then use the Liquid Souveran.

When should I use the spray and gloss? and the spray and wipe im assuming I wont have to use during this procedure.

Also what kind of motion should I apply the wax and the SSR's with the polishing pal?

06-18-2006, 01:54 PM
So how exactly should I go about using these together?

Wash the car.
Then use the SSR 2.5 then the SSR 1 and then use the Liquid Souveran.

When should I use the spray and gloss? and the spray and wipe im assuming I wont have to use during this procedure.

Also what kind of motion should I apply the wax and the SSR's with the polishing pal?

YES...................QD is used between washs................ I use back and forth to avoid swirls..........:) others may do circles....

06-26-2006, 08:25 PM
So im going to start as soon as this week clears up, Its going to rain all weekend though, so I was thinking is it necessary to get the poorboys professional Polish or is it fine to just go Wash, SSR2.5, SSR1, and then Liquid Souveran.

Am I missing something, just asking cuz I wanna make sure I have all the stuff before I start.

06-26-2006, 09:06 PM
Sounds good to me. Save up your pennies. The PC will make your life so much easier. Good luck man!

06-26-2006, 09:34 PM
I just used the polishin pal on my mom's car. I washed, dried, clayed with QD and then after fiddling with the combos a bit I settled on the yellow cutting pad with the 2.5. I used a back and forth motion and kept working it until the polish broke down and then wiped the residue away with a microfiber. After that I went over the car with 1.0 and did the same thing back and forth motions until the polish broke down and then wiped away the residue. After that I used XMT finishing glaze and then Souveran paste wax. The car looked beautiful. But one word of warning. It is VERY labor intensiive to do it all by hand this way. The polish takes alot longer to break down by hand versus via machine. I don't mind the work because I find it fun, and the polishin pal is very ergonomic in design and comfortable to use, but it took me two whole days just to do the car's paint and when I tried to do the glass restorer on the windows on the 3rd day my arms were trembling from the soreness in my shoulders. lol So my advice is just to make sure you have enough time to finish what you start. The polish pal is a very useful tool and with 2.5 it can remove some swirls if they are light. A PC is really what you need for defect correction, but if you are like me and saving up for one then the polishin pal will be a very handy (pun intended) tool for you in the meantime. :) Hope this helps you out.

06-26-2006, 09:50 PM
It will work until you save up enough for the PC. Can't stress enough how important that is if you like your arms.

06-26-2006, 09:55 PM
yea my arms are strong enough ;), and btw floridanative, Portugal will see you in the semi's ;)

06-26-2006, 10:02 PM
Results WILL be better with a PC. Seriously, save your money and you will thank me.

06-26-2006, 10:26 PM
i kno i kno i dont doubt you its just im a poor college student haha!

All my work money goes to gas and food.

06-26-2006, 10:28 PM
gas = expensive
food = SUPER expensive. I never realized HOW expensive it was until college. AND, I eat breakfast and dinner at home!!

06-27-2006, 06:46 AM
yea my arms are strong enough ;), and btw floridanative, Portugal will see you in the semi's ;)

Oh man! I am thoroughly enjoying this world cup!! But poor Ronaldo! Can you imagine the whole WORLD talking about how fat you are! I heard even the president of Brazil commented on it! LOL Portugal looks REALLY good! All the teams look great! How about that cleat to the face that Figo took and the ref did nothing! That should have been a red card for sure and not even a foul was called! I tell you, the US team was CURSED this time with the refs they got! I mean let's face it, the US is not known for it's soccer stars, but the refs they had stole away whatever chance they had! Ay, maybe in another 4 years they will return vindicated. Voce e portugues? De onde?

06-27-2006, 08:17 PM
haha they always talk #### about the king and then he just broke the record of most scored, and I am portugues unfortunally i dont know how to write it because while my parents are portugues I grew up in Sweden and eventually moved to the US my freshmen year of HS, haha.

so im guessing back to topic that I do not need the PB polisher.

06-27-2006, 08:37 PM
You will be ok with SSR 2.5 and SSR 1.