View Full Version : Clay or Alternative?

04-17-2015, 11:47 AM
It's been a little while since I posted, last. I've washed, clayed and waxed and/or sealed both of our vehicles within the last few weeks, and my clay bar is finally looking a little worse for wear. Is there a new consensus on what people prefer in the clay department? Still using clay bars and tossing them out, or are more people switching over to clay alternatives like the DA pads, towels or sponges?
From what I remember, it seemed like all clay bars were pretty much manufactured by one of a few companies and then distributed to different companies with their own packaging. Is that true?
I guess I'm just looking to see what people are using. This will be for our vehicles and maybe a few details that I tend to do on the side every year. Do the clay alternatives wear out? Are they worth the upfront cost? I appreciate any input you can give.


04-17-2015, 12:10 PM
Do the clay alternatives wear out?

Yes, but apparently very slowly.

Are they worth the upfront cost?

If you go by what the manufactures claim, the clay alternatives should cost less per use.

I use both. Primarily I use a clay towel, but sometimes I find a clay bar at a real good price and can't resist...and since I buy it, I may as well use it. LOL.

The clay alternatives are faster to use, but I like traditional clay because I can see what is coming off by what is imbedded in the clay. You don't get that with the clay alternatives; you can only feel the difference.

The Guz
04-17-2015, 12:26 PM
I have used both and I still see clay removing more contaminants. I did this by following up a clay alternative with a clay bar. If it's your personal car I would stick with clay.

Audios S6
04-17-2015, 12:34 PM
Towels and pads are going to be way faster. It will cut a 40 minute job down to 20 (towel/block) or under 15 (pad). I remember a guy that got a lot of flack because he claimed he could clay a car in 8 minutes; with pads, we are actually approaching that kind of speed with a quality result.

They can/will mar softer paints. I tend to use a lot more lube with the alternatives, which helps.

One downside for me is that I used to spend the time claying 'getting to know the paint', finding all the little defects. Now that has become a separate step so I don't know that I've cut out as much time as I'd like to think. I've cut out a lot of elbow grease though.

The pads are super fast, but are not going to get into all the nooks and crannies; they are also less than ideal for complex shapes and thin panels like bumpers and pillars. For those areas the towels are better.

I still use clay, maybe not on every car, but often enough that it's worth keeping around.

04-17-2015, 12:43 PM
Which definition of "alternative" do I find is
most germane...when it comes to the decon/removal
of above surface bonded contaminants?

The choice between mutually exclusive courses of action.

I use Clay; never any "Clay alternatives"!


04-17-2015, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the input, guys! Clay lasts me quite a while with as little as I use it. It'll take me a few years to realize any savings by switching to a towel or pad. Not to mention, I'll probably still need to keep clay around for the scenarios you mention. Clay it is! Thanks!