View Full Version : victoriawax vs souvern vs s100

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09-01-2007, 03:26 AM
I've never used either of them, nor have i ever applied a wax by 'bare hand' (victoria wax) Ive been detailing for a few years now using Adams Polishes (which i used to work for) and don't really have any complaints.

However with higher clientel that pay premium cash i think its time to up the quality of products (not dogging on AP). Souvern is very convincing and hear it has a nice competition with s100, but souvern seems to be overall better, in a non-subjective comparison.

Victoriawax which seems to be a higher end wax is similar pricing to souvern and just want to know if anyone has person experiences with EITHER or ALL 3. I use a PC, but don't mind applying anything by hand. At this stage of my work its not about how fast it takes to detail, how easy it comes off or anything like that..its all about QUALITY.

The cars I've been getting lately are Ferrari's, Porsche's, anything exotic (even AMG's & ///M's) so i kinda want to blow the competition away and at the same time provide an uncomparable shine to those who pay these buku bucks..

So, for anyone that has comments, pics, advice or questions please feel free to fill in. I wanted to post pix of this Ferrari CS i just did to kidna show my work and see what will be gained with these waxes but everytime I uplaod it seems to freeze or reset, anyways. thanks for those who reply and sorry for the logn post!


09-01-2007, 03:35 AM
i don't know if this is allowed, but for now, while i figure out my upload situation..for those who want to see some of the pictures i have, (in a non advertising way) feel free to visit my site ...and if i'm not allowed to post this, then mod can delete this post.. thanks

09-01-2007, 05:01 AM
I would agree that it may be a good time to upgrade your LSPs for your current clients. I would base my purchases on two things.
Do you like and can afford to use these new waxes.
Do your clients appreciate the upgrade?

Souveran is a very good beauty wax and easy to apply. Downside is durability.
Have not used VW yet but the price is not bad and won't break the bank.

I also suggest some better sealants if you don't hv any for customers that expect/need more than 4-6 weeks protection.

Welcome to AG. Would love to see some of your work.

Totoland Mach
09-01-2007, 06:31 AM
Neil: judging by the cars you've done, some would really benefit from Souveran. But, I also think detail level quality is what separates the workmanship and captures the quality customer.

I run into a price shopper every now and then....you know the folks I'm talking about (gee, you want $500 and I was quoted $150 type folks). It looks like you've gone after the higher end customer that looks for quality first and price is the last thing on their mind.

I do reconditioning of BMW's for resale and the level of work is very high: The cars are brought back to "as new" condition because I don't know who the buyer will be. For appointment level detailing, I know from initial contact what the customer is looking for (super paint, super interior, etc) so it's a little easier. Most of my on-site customers are doctors or professionals who never quibble on price because they know my reputation.

On black BMW's (man, the last 6 Bimmers I've done have been black) I will apply a top coat of Pinnacle Souveran to the hood, roof, and trunk lid to add a great depth for showing the car (the entire care gets 3M Ultrafina and Meguiar's #26 prior to the Souveran).

I'd highly recommend the Souveran to try. It's not too expensive, applys and removes easily, and leaves a great finish.


Gary Sword
09-01-2007, 06:41 AM
I have not used Victoria Wax but Souveran Paste is outstanding on dark colors and yellow. I most lighter colors I perfer something else.

09-01-2007, 08:12 AM
Frist welcome to AGO.

So I have used sov., the vw stuff, as well as adams. I will tell you know all three will give great improvements over adams.
With the waxes mentioned I personaly love thevictoria wax the best. It is my goto wax right now. It canbea little more trickey to work with but the results are aoutstanding. It gives the painta new life.. hard to explain till you try it.

As for sov. (and im going to start a war here) I just dont like it. It just dosent give me the look I want. Its as though somthingis lacking I just dont know what.

however evryone will like a diffrent wax for a diffrent reason. since you are detailing full time i dont think you will have any problems going through a jar of wax. I would recomened you buy two or 3 and try them yourself. Many not at once but at some point. Im sure no cutomer will know as they are all great waxes

09-01-2007, 12:19 PM
I've used all of the waxes that you mention. Of the list my recommendation would be Souveran. Victoria Waxes are all very nice but it doesn't turn my crank to use my hands as applicators. I feel the same with Zymol's hand application waxes (I've tried several). I can't stand the feel and removal of the wax on my hands once finished. Some really like this part of the process and I'm sure you would be satisfied with the results. I question those who like to apply these waxes with their hands but only do it after wearing a latex or nitrile glove. I've seen no recommendation from any of these manufactures that suggest you do this. Gotta think that there is a reason as to why they don't. P21 and S100 are both very nice waxes also. All in all I believe that all other things being equal and preparation is correct you would be satisfied with any of the waxes you are considering.

I also believe that there are those particular customers out there that when told you have a special $100, $1000 or $6000 wax for "their" vehicle would jump at the chance. If you're using the higher priced waxes on everything your price must reflect it in order to absorb the cost. I believe that this strategy would prohibit the customer who wants a great job but doesn't need a $100 wax. I've got to believe it's a great opportunity for an up sell to the high dollar customer. It all comes down to clientele and which part of the market you've nailed down.

09-01-2007, 01:25 PM
Wow, this forum is great...i go to sleep, wake up and i got great responses from everyone.

At the moment price isn't an issue. Before, when i used to detail using Adams everyone loved the outcome, i don't think ive ever had anyone say, "hey, it looks the same as when i brought it to you" so thats a good thing. But then again your talkin about the average joe and even those who own the CLS's & 750's arent enthusiast...some people really just want that 1 on 1 service which makes them feel like their car is well taken care of. Obviously thats what i've been providing.

Now, with these Ferrari owners etc they KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. They don't exactly know what detailing is all about and carnuba or sealants, but they know that price isn't an issue. I did this Ferrari and gave such a killer price (still about 3x more thani normally charge for say a Civic) and even he was suprrised at the price. Which brings me to my next situation.

I don't think they mind if i bump up the price even more, and most of the time they don't question it nor do they really care what the heck your using. I explained the art of claying to the Ferrari owner and just after that he was ready to take the car home, haha so again blowing their minds is the goal. I can only imagine what VW or PS would do.

Pinnacle seems to be the choice for darker color cars, durability doesnt really matter too much, these guys drive their car 150miles every 6months probably and sometimes just go in their garage to stare at their whips, their daily driver is probably just some GT2 (haha). THey usually say they want their car detailed every 2 months or 6 weeks, just to make sure it stays shiny.

Alot of pepople have concerns about VW and theres this guy on youtube that actually shows the art of 'bare-hand' wax on a MAserati F1 style car..(compared to the Porsche FXX) I think he uses swissvax which would be a dream to use.

But anyways I might have to pick up a jar of Souvern & VW red paste, give them a go.

What would be the perfect pairing with sealents + Souvern or VW? I was thinking about WG DGPS.

As for TOTO: I understand where your coming from, These doctors over here in OC, cali can sometimes be so cheap...In my head i'm like "I know you orange county people aren't reallllllly like that"...but again they are only human

as far as your work, just from that 1 pic i'm very impressed. I get more BMW's than any other car..Benz are pretty close, but i got alot more Higher model BMW's and i can only imagine what these souvern and vw would look like.. Do you use a circular/rotary polisher to remove imperfections? (i guess that would be another thread right?)

Again sorry for the long response, but you guys are so darn good and i'm just so excited to hear from your responses. Anyways, keep them flowing...!

09-01-2007, 01:42 PM


09-01-2007, 01:43 PM
ahh hah! i found the art of posting pictures now ...more to come!

09-01-2007, 01:53 PM










09-01-2007, 02:05 PM
What was used on the tires on the truck above?

09-01-2007, 02:24 PM
the 18 wheeler..proabbly nothing at the moment

the suburban...believe it or not...just some costco stuff, bout 2 or 3 layers of it (that was one of my first cars i detailed)

09-01-2007, 02:33 PM
Nice work! I agree with surfer, those tires look WET! I have the Costco stuff too, but I only use them on wheel wells.

If price isnt an issue, go to the Zymol line, or Swissvax. I heard Swissvax Onyx looks very similar to SV concourso at less than half the price.

Ive tried a lot of waxes and I LOVE Souveran. But it doesnt seem too much like a paste wax, it characteristics remind me more of a glaze than a true paste wax.

I think Im ready to step up to a new level of waxes also. (Even though I know that major diminishing returns are at play here)

09-01-2007, 02:44 PM
having used many of the higher end waxes, I keep coming back to Souveran paste. It is for more than one reason truthfully, it does everything well to perfect. It looks perfect on blacks, reds, and yellows and is super easy to use and remove. It takes very little time and leaves no markings or traces on a rubber surrounds is another. Remember Souveran was designed to mimic and enhance Destiny and most would call them "very similar" after use.

I have a tub of Zymol Ital (360.00) that when used side by side, nobody other than my wallet can tell the difference. Victoria Waxes, lets not knock anyone but try Finish Kares Pink Wax for a similar look and without the big price tag. S100 (aka P21S) is a great beauty wax for those liking little perfect beads, but the montan wax and beeswax is not doing anything for your finish. Swissol (now Swisswax) Concourso is a fine product, but again without a chemist your not going to see enough difference to justify price other than your clients might expect it.

So try the Souveran paste ....and then tell us what you think.