View Full Version : I am time cruched today help with detail job

04-11-2015, 03:23 PM
hey guys i was planing on wash and detailing my mothers can but some things got in the way by the time i get home today there is no way ill be able to do it. i am going to have time to do interior and maybe some more so my plan is first interior then if time allows wash and start claying i don't think i will get farther than that i may not even have time to finish claying. so my question is say i get halfway through claying and it gets dark . can i just stop where i am and pick up in the same place tomorrow morning? would i have to wash all over again before i pick up where i left off claying. (i assume i wouldn't have to start all over again with the clay right?) also keep in mind the car is NOT in a garage it is in drive way however weather is good no rain or anything predicted a lil windy tho but weather channel says wind die off tonight .....i appreciate any one that answers as soon as they see this post as i gota figure out what i am going to do in the next hour or 2

Aaryn NZ
04-11-2015, 03:34 PM
If it were me - Wouldn't have to start claying all over again but I would be weary of not washing it again. It wouldn't need a complete wash if you had already done that but a decent rinse to be sure any dust etc is gone before you resume claying again is the safer option. My opinon. :xyxthumbs:

Aaryn NZ.

Paul A.
04-11-2015, 03:56 PM
Yes, i agree with Aaryn. You can just resume wherever you left off but a good rinse down, dry and paint inspection to make sure you're good to go.

I have done that before...break up the job into 2 or even multiple days...and love my ONR for exactly that.