View Full Version : Interior detail steps

04-05-2015, 05:07 PM
Where do you start with the inside? What are your steps? Do you start with the carpet or do it last

04-05-2015, 05:13 PM
Where do you start with the inside? What are your steps? Do you start with the carpet or do it last

Carpet first as it's often times the dirtiest. You don't want dust landing on your freshly cleaned dash. And if you shampoo it takes some time to dry.

04-05-2015, 05:40 PM
At first read the carpet first makes sense but upon further reflection I wondered if it made sense to do it last since you will most likely be on the carpet while washing the rest of the interior. Now if the carpet can be removed you could do those outside of the car. Thoughts? I just finished a three hour detail on my hood and trunk so my brain is a bit mushy at the moment.

04-05-2015, 06:29 PM
That's why I asked the question. I was thinking the same thing. Doing the carpets after your all done trampling all over the place to clean everything else

04-05-2015, 06:37 PM
In addition the likelihood that some dirt will come off the other interior surfaces and land on the carpet is fairly high so I think I would be in the carpets last camp. If you do the racing stripes on the carpets - you would be losing those as well! 👍

Audios S6
04-05-2015, 06:39 PM
Seats last. I can get to anywhere in a car without touching carpet. Same can't be said for the seats.

Air purge
Dry brush
Dash, door cards, consoles
Carpets extract or steam
Dress/protect surfaces
Seats and fabric protectant

04-05-2015, 07:18 PM
I first vacuum seats and carpets, dry brush then vacuum again then start wiping everything down, clean windows, dress, lastly I vacuum again.

04-05-2015, 08:14 PM
It just depends on the car... Carpet is typically first for me after vacuuming

Firehouse Mike
04-05-2015, 09:54 PM
Vacuum, floor mats, headliner, door sills, carpet, seats, interior steam (and steam stubborn stains), dash / console / door panels, dress, leather surface clean / protect, glass, re-vacuum, inspect , present, get $$$ :dblthumb2:

I have large towels I put over seats when i sit on them after cleaning. Helps to wick out moisture and keeps them clean and my butt dry! I also use 2 large box fans to speed up dry time on seats and carpets. Mats get hung up early on so they will be dry by the time I'm done.

04-05-2015, 10:00 PM
I first vacuum seats and carpets, dry brush then vacuum again then start wiping everything down, clean windows, dress, lastly I vacuum again.

Vacuuming 3 times? You must like doing it, lol. I hate it.

If it's trashed I do:
1. Clean/remove out anything that can be taken out by hand (mats, cupholders, seats, trash, etc)
2. Clean surfaces from top bottom, i.e. using APC on plastics (stuff falls down from one surface to the next, no point in vacuuming till the surfaces above have been cleaned/wiped off)
3. Vacuum lightly if really bad, no need to be perfect (I use an attachment for my DA for the upholstery, don't want to fling too much around)
4. Brush uphosterly (use chemicals if needed), working top to bottom
5. Steam/extract/spot treat where needed
6. Vacuum thoroughly
7. Deodorize/"air freshen" (if needed/requested)
8. Dress/protect surfaces
9. Clean glass

I don't put my feet back on the carpet at all. Like mentioned, From the seats I can reach anywhere. I like to clean as much interior stuff outside the car as I can. So the stuff that can be removed I do.

I've been hearing alot about blowing out interiors, but don't have a compressor that can handle it yet, but seems like it would be a huge help and probably could skip a step of vacuuming (which I loath).

For lighter cleaning:
1. Clean/remove out anything that can be taken out by hand (mats, cupholders, trash, etc)
2. Spot treat any special attention areas
3. Vacuum
4. Dress/protect surfaces or just use a QID if possible
5. Clean glass

04-06-2015, 01:21 AM
Vacuum, floor mats, headliner, door sills, carpet, seats, interior steam (and steam stubborn stains), dash / console / door panels, dress, leather surface clean / protect, glass, re-vacuum, inspect , present, get $$$ :dblthumb2:

I have large towels I put over seats when i sit on them after cleaning. Helps to wick out moisture and keeps them clean and my butt dry! I also use 2 large box fans to speed up dry time on seats and carpets. Mats get hung up early on so they will be dry by the time I'm done.

Good idea. I normally do seats last but doing them earlier and putting a towel on them if probably a better way of doing it. Thanks!

09-21-2017, 03:09 AM
I know it's an old thread, but I start off with the carpet doing a surface vac to get all the loose stuff and then dry scrub to bring deeper stuff up and then I vacuum as I do that and then I'll do the rest of the interior and then come back to the carpet and remove the stains with my steamer or my APC and then dry with a clean microfiber followed by final vacuum to make sure nothing was missed. It could go either way though. I can also reach the whole interior while sitting in the seat with my feet hanging out but I do it my way because when your dusting/cleaning the dash/vents/steering wheel/console you could knock the debris onto the carpet and mess up your streaks (if you do those).