View Full Version : Some help with Detailing Prices

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04-02-2015, 05:35 AM
Hi Y'all, long time lurker and first time poster:xyxthumbs:

I am starting a mobile Detailing business and I have looked all over the market to get a idea of pricing but would like your guys opinions. This is a template of my website before its actually getting published and has all my estimates.

mobileautobutlers (http://lavjorda2.wix.com/mobileautobutlers)

Do they seem too low, too high or right on the money? And dont be afraid to tell me if im not even in the ball park or the coffee shop next door for that matter. Thanks Autogeeks! :)

04-02-2015, 06:38 AM
Probably not going to be a lot of help but there is a detailing business in Sebring, Florida that advertises an interior and exterior detail for $150. I've seen their work and it sucks but most people don't look too close at the details.
You might do a little research with your friends and family and ask them what they would be willing to pay to have their vehicle detailed, that will give you a good guide for your area.
I've been detailing vehicles for a few years, in my retirement, and have found that people don't care about having the wheel wells cleaned. I remove the wheels, clean the inside and outside and then apply wax to prevent the build up of brake dust and most people don't care about that either.
Wishing you success in your new adventure. Be patient as the best advertising is word of mouth and that will take some time.

04-02-2015, 07:34 AM
I'm not a professional but you are going to do all of the following for $120 on a sedan/coupe?

- Two bucket hand wash
- UnderCarriage Degrease and Cleanse
- Clay Bar Paint Decontamination
- Machine Compound
- Machine Polish
- Chocie of Carnuba Wax or Synthetic Sealent
- Rim Polish and decontamination
- Windows, windshield and wipers Cleanse
- Wheel and window sealent
- Trim, wheel well and tire dressing

How long does a job like that take you?

04-02-2015, 08:43 AM
I really like your website. It is well written and laid out. However you have numerous spelling errors that I would correct before publishing. As far as prices I am not a professional detailer but when I do friends and family those are comparable prices I use. I am Virginia.

Good job! Please don't take my criticism the wrong way. Just trying to help.

Good luck! :props:

04-02-2015, 10:11 AM
I really like your website. It is well written and laid out. However you have numerous spelling errors that I would correct before publishing. As far as prices I am not a professional detailer but when I do friends and family those are comparable prices I use. I am Virginia.

Good job! Please don't take my criticism the wrong way. Just trying to help.

Good luck! :props:

What would you charge regularly? I am trying to start on the lower end to get business rolling a bit quicker and grow a customer base faster but I dont want to be handing out free labor. Could you give me a idea of what you would be charging for some of my packages? Thanks!

PS: I know its got spelling errors left and right, Its been a late night project to finish it the last week :xyxthumbs:

04-02-2015, 01:59 PM
Decide how much your time is worth and charge that. So if a package takes you 5 hours to do, multiply that by the hourly rate you want to make. Also consider product usage and commute if you are mobile.

Most mobile detailers won't leave the house for less than a 100$. So sub 100$ packages should be avoided if you don't wanna waste your time.

04-02-2015, 02:26 PM
Hi Y'all, long time lurker and first time poster:xyxthumbs:

I am starting a mobile Detailing business and I have looked all over the market to get a idea of pricing but would like your guys opinions. This is a template of my website before its actually getting published and has all my estimates.

mobileautobutlers (http://lavjorda2.wix.com/mobileautobutlers)

Do they seem too low, too high or right on the money? And dont be afraid to tell me if im not even in the ball park or the coffee shop next door for that matter. Thanks Autogeeks! :)

What a cool website!! But to be honest....the work you are doing; IMO you are charging too low!!! Working that hard for $120 is too low. Maybe forgo the undercarriage cleaning....

I think your time is worth more than that. I am not too familiar with the demographics in your area and maybe $120 is a justified price or not.

My guess even in your area; your pricing is too low. I think you can charge less with a maintenance program but charge more for the initial work.

I would look at anywhere from $40 - $75 per hour or depending on how bad of shape the car is in.

Again, IMHO you are charging too low!!

04-02-2015, 02:59 PM
Whoa, your website is nice. I'm not a professional but I think you're charging too little. Maybe some of the pros on this forum can PM you on what they charge.

04-02-2015, 03:25 PM
Yeah, I figured it was to low. Im gonna do a full detail on my truck and two coupes and time everything to get a better idea on time. I'm just worried as when I type in auto detailing near me, people are saying flat rate $85 for a compound and polish! And all though their job may be done in a awful manner, to many daily drivers won't notice the difference. But I'm concerned since I am very particular and will want to do the best job I can, but on paper will be equivalent to Mr flat rate 85 dollars despite my labor time.

04-02-2015, 03:34 PM
Your website looks really good, but I have to say...don't use Wix. They have incredible templates and it is very easy to use but their SEO (search engine optimization) aka how search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.. find your site, is terrible. The reason is that Wix uses Java as a platform for their website. I won't get into the technical details but Google does not like java mainly because Google thinks it can do better, and Java runs a bit slower.

Because of this Google's spiders (the algorithms that search the web for relevant content) rank a java based site lower while favoring an inferior quality site. This is bad, because if Google does not like your webpage, then Google will not rank you high. No one wants to be berried on like page 5.

If you don't believe me go to the subreddit for SEO and you can read up on it a little more.

04-03-2015, 01:10 AM
^ Im inputting the HTML to WIX just to get a public preview for you guys so I didnt have to type up all my prices. I definitely wont be using wix to host though. Way to expensive, bleh. Thanks though!

04-03-2015, 07:45 AM
Nice site.

I've been looking at Webnode. I don't know what Wix's prices are, but Webnode is $4,8,12,16 per month for their various yearly plans. $2-4 more per plan for just monthly.

04-03-2015, 02:52 PM
What I would suggest is getting a template for CSS or HTML and working off that. Or if you dont know any code build a template in wix and then follow a online guide to extract the HTML and then simply go buy a domain and server for like 15 dollars a year. Saves you money!

04-03-2015, 03:44 PM
Use the prices you have now and get started asap. Don't wait too long, bc you're just losing out on money and experience.

The prices are a little low, but you'll end up making adjustments where they need to be made. No one gets it right the first time, and you'll learn quickly.

And I agree that your site looks great.. good luck man

04-03-2015, 06:21 PM
The overall 'feel' of the site is good. Do want to make sure however that all your photos are of your work, making sure not to use any stock photos.

That being said; The level of spelling and grammatical errors is troubling. Combine that with run on sentences, broken sentences, and short ones to boot and it'll turn people away from the site fairly quickly.

Were it me, the "Signature" would be the top of the line offering. The "Deluxe" package really isn't offering anything else, other than an engine detail, and for $100. (Yes there are engine details well worth $100 and then some, but added to a $120 two-stage buffing package that could well take 10~12~20 hours it doesn't work.)

The prospective customer, not knowing how much time things take, COULD look at everything you are offering for $120 and wonder why in the name of God's Blue Heaven it costs an extra $100 "just to clean my engine". Leave that package off and sell the engine bay detailing as a secondary (add on / ala cart) package.

The worst of it though are all the spelling and grammar problems.

You mentioned you are using WIX just to get the layout, so this comment may not be pertinent, but on my screen the page doesn't fit. It's too wide, and too tall no matter what I do. Should be auto scaling to fit.

Another thing on the packages. I'd put several packages out there, and put them ALL on one page. Break them up with more services added as the package price goes up, perhaps even putting the most expensive package at the top (which forces someone to look at the whole page to find the cheapest offerings). Put them on a page in some sort of logical manner. Also, the description(s) of processes going on within a package read better as a bulleted list. (As opposed to broken up, shortened up, and/or run on sentences.)

Honestly... the pricing of your "Signature Package" seems unbelievably low. You're saying you will do a multi-step, 2-stage (compound AND polish) detail WITH wax (sealant), AND polishing and waxing/sealing the wheels for $120? WOW! I would do everything in that package EXCEPT crank up a buffer (to the paint or wheels) for just under that price. Start prepping a vehicle for compounding and you'll spend hours getting it ready, decon, taping, covering wheels/tires, opening glass sunroof's and covering/taping the hole

Especially as you are offering wheel polishing on another page as a stand alone offering, (that has to be quoted on demand). If I'm polishing wheels that means I'm removing them, and I'll not even consider doing that for less than $25.00 per wheel. I'll remove and decontaminate the wheels then put a sealant or coating on them for $15 per wheel. ;)

Not saying you need to sell only higher priced packages that focus on paint correction, but you DO need to look at your offerings, AND ESPECIALLY THE TIME INVOLVED and come up with what you can do, in a given amount of time, with your level of experience.

Oh, and taking appointments at 10:00pm, uhhhhhh...... unless you're in Alaska it'll be well past dark. Washing alone, (as described in your packages) can take a couple of hours (if not more). I'd move that time frame back to 7:00. (Perhaps 7:00~7:00 and call it a day.) The last thing you need is the neighbors calling the cops with you out there running a buffer, generator, pressure washer, big banks of lights, vacuum cleaners and/or carpet extractors at midnight. :eek: