View Full Version : Optimum Opti Clean as a Drying Aid ?

03-31-2015, 05:55 PM
Many on this forum are using UWW+ as a drying aid. I have some Opti Clean hanging around from winter.
So I figure Opti Clean should work similar no ?

My method would be to dry with a leaf blower.
Then apply Opti Clean.
Then dry with micro towel.

Hoping the Opti Clean would remove any water spots even on windows.

03-31-2015, 06:03 PM
yeah why not. it doesn't leave the finish feeling any different or offer any sort of protection, but, it can help prevent drying-induced marring since it will swallow any pieces of dust or whatever get on the finish whilst blow drying. not too sure on the water spot thing. do you mean spots from washing that are showing up immediately?

imo OID is a better drying aid...or even OOS or OCW if you into that sort of thing. the first one is the slickest, the second two are slick but add protection. i like them better for the "drying aid" purpose because they leave the finish feeling slicker than it was before you dried it.

03-31-2015, 06:14 PM
It works good as a drying aid.

03-31-2015, 06:46 PM
Hmmmmmmm...... another way perhaps ?

Spray on immediately after wash
Flood car with water
Then dry with leaf blower
Then wipe with micro towel

03-31-2015, 10:32 PM
Hmmmmmmm...... another way perhaps ?

Spray on immediately after wash
Flood car with water
Then dry with leaf blower
Then wipe with micro towel

First I've heard of applying a drying aid before the rinse.

When flooding, that amount of water would rinse away the drying aid, leaving you where you were if didn't use it. The water would be the last thing to be on the paint, not the drying aid, defeating the purpose of it.

I've never tried this way, so I'm not saying it doesn't help at all, just conventional ways would seem to be more efficient.