View Full Version : backing plate issues?

08-28-2007, 10:50 AM
So today i was ready to polish my car...after clay get out the white LC and the pc...106ff. Spread the product turn it on and it seems like its not spinning properly. At 3k its decent when i went to 5/6 it was pretty much still...if i applied pressure it was stationary. Thought it was my eyes so i take out the white pad.. and its smoking (### hehe).

It happends maybe its the pad i think..try my other white..same thing!! Ok on to the grey pad.. (this should fly) same thing. Ok so im thinking what if it its how i clean them? So i open my new grey one still the same. The LC orange worked decent only cuz its heavier, but couple cars ago it spinned way more.

Now im no pro just done 5cars but i think its the backing plate. Oh i should mention i didnt use pad conditioner cuz it tends to dust with menz...but i tried it after as well.
I might give edge2000 system a try next yr..but i just want some input if possible
Sorry if this was confusing :)


Feed back please

08-28-2007, 11:05 AM
Give us a call, talk to Dwayne at ext 212 he will be able to help you out.