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View Full Version : CR spotless, defective?

03-20-2015, 11:46 PM
Hey guys, been using CR spotless to wash my GTR for the last 13 months. Not once have I had an issue with the system. However, last week I decided to use Adams foam gun the the system. Completed the wash and put the system away. The hose spilled out some left over water from the system, the next morning I walk inside the garage and noticed all the water on the ground turned into a whiter powdery residue and the thread to the hose connecting to the nozzle also turned white with the same powdery residue. Can someone tell me what this could be. I called CR spotless and they told me they would have a tech call back, which never happened. I am not sure if I should discontinue use of the system. The meter did read all zeros so they resin should be good still. I will attach pics of the powdery residue. Thanks!

03-20-2015, 11:46 PM

03-21-2015, 12:47 AM
Have you checked the resin containers? When I had mine it was a brown mix though. Not sure why it would be white though. Could it have been leftover mineral deposits on the bottom of the container.

May be a stupid question but did you check the meter with water running? If I remember correctly that's required to get an accurate reading.

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03-21-2015, 06:48 AM
Not sure if it could have been mineral deposits. The only issue I can think of, is the last time I used the system prior to this last use was 1 month. Not sure if the standing water inside the system would cause this. I've emptied the resin cartridges and the blue containers.

03-21-2015, 01:18 PM
Does anyone know how often the resin needs replacement? As long as the meter reads zero is it still good for use?

03-22-2015, 03:52 AM
Does anyone know how often the resin needs replacement? As long as the meter reads zero is it still good for use?

If the meter is still reading zero the water coming out is still clean. Provided that the meter is actually working. I would test the meter with some plain tap water to make sure it's reading accurately.

But as to the lifespan of the filter medium. If your water is full of minerals and iron it may only last 300 gallons. If you have very soft, clean water it may last for over a thousand gallons.

03-22-2015, 07:55 AM
two things -- first of all you did not indicate that you had changed the media over the past 13 months --- based on my experience of keeping two cars clean, there is no way that it could have remained effective after a year's worth of washes. If you had changed the media then please ignore this comment.

Second, the media will degrade over time even if it is still in the sealed packages so I would expect it would degrade faster once it has been "activated". The last media I bought from Spotless finally has use by dates and it is only about 14-18 months out.

But then again, you may have a problem that is not really related to either of these points.

03-22-2015, 08:40 AM
Correct, I have not changed the resin in 13 months. I use the system appx once every 3 weeks on one vehicle. The meter does read 000. I have left the resin untouched at times for a month period, not sure if that could compromise the resin but I made sure to empty the container and resin cartridge a few days ago.

Would you guys recommend buying new resin or the new cartridges? When I called CR they said my system is fine and to keep the same resin, however after 13 months it may need a change. Their technician never called back and was only able to speak with their sales person.

Setec Astronomy
03-22-2015, 08:47 AM
Let's back up a little. So you showed a picture of a hose end with a little corrosion on it, and some concrete with what looks like efflorescence on it. Both of these could simply be from water exposure, and don't mean that there is anything wrong with the output of your CR system.

03-22-2015, 09:31 AM
Right I understand what your saying, however. The water that was coming from the CR system was causing this white residue upon drying. Even sections of the car like the trunk seams that had exposure to the CR water developed the same residue if not dried with towel.

I compared tap water and the water coming from the CR system. The tap water dried normal with no residue while the water from the CR system dried and developed the residue.

Setec Astronomy
03-22-2015, 09:46 AM
I compared tap water and the water coming from the CR system. The tap water dried normal with no residue while the water from the CR system dried and developed the residue.

If your tap water dries with no residue, why are you using a CR Spotless?

03-22-2015, 09:59 AM
Well the whole point is trying to figure out why it's doing this, and if it needs to be replaced. I just find it odd that this would occur, considering what the system is supposed to do.

Setec Astronomy
03-22-2015, 10:06 AM
Sounds like you are putting spot-free water into it and getting spotty water out, so maybe you have it backwards and need to put it on the other side of your house.