View Full Version : Cloudy spots after buffing, need help removing

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03-15-2015, 09:33 AM
so I had my car buffed (Blue 2012 CTS-v) and now I can see this milky white haze in spots on the hood under direct light. So far I've tried the following by hand to remove with no luck: claybar, meguires ultimate compound, 70/30 ipa mix, wax.

Any thoughts on what this is and if it can be removed?

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/911/255mc1.jpg (http://imageshack.com/f/pb255mc1j)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/540/TQOtZo.jpg (http://imageshack.com/f/f0TQOtZoj)

tuscarora dave
03-15-2015, 10:01 AM
As much as I hate to say it, looks like a paint burn from a rotary and wool pad that someone tried to clean off with some sort of solvent without success. That'd be the photo with your finger pointing at the blemish.

Worse yet, in the other photo of the entire hood it clearly looks to me like the guy buffing the paint buffed clean through the clear coat to expose a good bit of base coat along the line closest to the passenger's side fender about half way up the hood.

Whoever did it clearly didn't have any business running a buffer.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that hood needs to be repainted to make it right again, unless of course I'm completely misrepresenting what I see in the photos due to weird reflections or something.

03-15-2015, 10:06 AM
As much as I hate to say it, looks like a paint burn from a rotary and wool pad that someone tried to clean off with some sort of solvent without success. That'd be the photo with your finger pointing at the blemish.

Worse yet, in the other photo of the entire hood it clearly looks to me like the guy buffing the paint buffed clean through the clear coat to expose a good bit of base coat along the line closest to the passenger's side fender about half way up the hood.

Whoever did it clearly didn't have any business running a buffer.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that hood needs to be repainted to make it right again, unless of course I'm completely misrepresenting what I see in the photos due to weird reflections or something.

I agree 100% with Dave this.

Are you having any blue paint transfer onto a foam pad or a towel with the Ultimate compound?

tuscarora dave
03-15-2015, 10:12 AM
I've placed a few arrows where I think I see what looks like the clearcoat compromised along the line on the hood. Could possibly be a reflection though. Can you get a better photo of these blemishes?

http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd323/tuscaroradave/arrows_zpsgxl8ugva.jpg (http://s528.photobucket.com/user/tuscaroradave/media/arrows_zpsgxl8ugva.jpg.html)

tuscarora dave
03-15-2015, 11:20 AM
In this photo where your finger is pointing, it looks like a really large paint burn. Not cut clean through but burned like melted and slung or pulled to the right at the pad traveled across the paint way too fast and with too much pressure applied.

http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd323/tuscaroradave/255mc1_zpsoj74sjo9.jpg (http://s528.photobucket.com/user/tuscaroradave/media/255mc1_zpsoj74sjo9.jpg.html)

At first I thought it could be product residue still on the paint but you said you tried a few things by hand. Could you wash that area and make sure you don't have dried product on the hood?

03-15-2015, 11:20 AM
Thanks for the response. I've getting no blue paint transfer to the pad when using ultimate compound. The area your pointing out is not a reflection, that is where its most noticable. Here's a better shot of just that spot:


tuscarora dave
03-15-2015, 11:28 AM
In the photo it looks as if the hood is an entirely different color of blue, as if the hood had already been repainted with a paint that did not exactly match, or it once had a tinted clear coat that had been somehow removed. If that were the case, the area I pointed out could be the remaining tinted clear. It could go either way I guess. I suppose the entire hood's clear coat could be so scoured by an inexperienced buffer using a way too abrasive compound that it just looks lighter in color because of that...??.. Hard to really say without being right over the hood in person.

Did he buff any other areas of the car? If so, how do those areas look?

tuscarora dave
03-15-2015, 11:33 AM
Depending on where you are located, perhaps you could find one of us OCD type detailers local that could take a look at it in person for you and make a better diagnosis.

Did you take this car to an actual detailing establishment, or did someone you know do this to the car? Have you talked to the guy that did the work about it yet? If so, I'm very curious about what he had to say about it?..

tuscarora dave
03-15-2015, 11:42 AM
This kind of stuff happens all over in the detailing industry. It's a shame because it says something negative about the industry as a whole. It certainly makes it tougher for those of us who actually have great paint polishing skills to build trust and credibility when people come into it with this kind of taste in their mouth about "Detailing".

Here's a link to something similar from a local repair shop who thought it was easy to run a buffer and wet sand a car.


03-15-2015, 11:48 AM
Depending on where you are located, perhaps you could find one of us OCD type detailers local that could take a look at it in person for you and make a better diagnosis.

Did you take this car to an actual detailing establishment, or did someone you know do this to the car? Have you talked to the guy that did the work about it yet? If so, I'm very curious about what he had to say about it?..

The hood was repainted at some point before I owned the car. However, I'm pretty sure those marks were not there before I brought it in. The rest of the car had holigrams/swirl marks in it after I got it back which led me to take a very close look at the hood. I was able to easily remove those swirls with Megiuars Swirl-X compound. I'm not going to mention that to them because quite honestly I'd rather have them not touch any other parts of the car after seeing how poor the work was.

I took it to an actual detailing establishment that had good reviews on Angies List. They are closed this weekend but I plan to bring it in on Monday to see what they say. I'm going to speak directly to the owner.

Depending on what they say/happens I may take your advice and locate someone in the area who can better diagnose it. I'm in the Twin Cities, Minnesota.

tuscarora dave
03-15-2015, 11:53 AM
I'm in the Twin Cities, Minnesota.
I think Chad, forum user name "RaskyR1" is located near there and you couldn't find a better, more skilled detailer anywhere.

Rasky's Auto Detailing | About (http://raskysautodetailing.com/about/)

03-15-2015, 07:34 PM
Thanks, I probably will reach out to him later this week. Here are some better shots under a spotlight:

http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn186/dtrynoski/DSC01340_zps4pzkrbny.jpg (http://s304.photobucket.com/user/dtrynoski/media/DSC01340_zps4pzkrbny.jpg.html)

http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn186/dtrynoski/DSC01346_zpsextxwnqb.jpg (http://s304.photobucket.com/user/dtrynoski/media/DSC01346_zpsextxwnqb.jpg.html)

http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn186/dtrynoski/DSC01344_zpszxzxuslh.jpg (http://s304.photobucket.com/user/dtrynoski/media/DSC01344_zpszxzxuslh.jpg.html)

http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn186/dtrynoski/DSC01342_zpsqratyezt.jpg (http://s304.photobucket.com/user/dtrynoski/media/DSC01342_zpsqratyezt.jpg.html)

03-17-2015, 10:49 AM
So I heard back from the detail shop, the swirling is actually under the clear coat so someone must have been done wrong when the body shop applied the coat. They tried wet-sanding and had no luck removing it. Looks like the hood will need to be repainted.

Setec Astronomy
03-17-2015, 10:54 AM
Wait a minute, I'm calling BS on that. You had your car detailed, it comes back like crap, and now the problem is under the clear?

Did it look cloudy hazy before you brought it to be detailed?

03-17-2015, 11:10 AM
In the op he said it showed up after having the car "buffed". It is possible that the prior condition of the clearcoat masked the poor base prep causing it to go unnoticed until the top portion of the clear was corrected. Then again, it could be a poor detail shop. I would either find a very reputable detailer other than the person that "buffed" the car or a very high end paint and body shop.