View Full Version : Can I use Megs Wheel Brightener on this wheel?

03-14-2015, 06:53 AM
I am a HUGE fan of Wheel Brightener on painted wheels. Its a miracle worker, really. However, I am unsure about the wheel pictured below. We recently purchased a 2014 Ford Flex with the "shiny" 20" wheels. Overall, they are in okay shape, just a little cloudy. I'm not really motivated to sit down and polish them all by hand. What do you think? Will Wheel Brightener wreck them?

Would any experts know if these things are polished alum or chrome? They are not the plastic "chrome" covers like on the trucks.
Thanks for your help!

03-14-2015, 07:08 AM
I think they may be PVD coated wheels. If they are, they need to be treated gently. No acids and soft bristle brushing. EagleOne makes one and some others claim to be safe for them. Or maybe something relatively close to pH neural.

03-14-2015, 09:18 AM
Those look to be aluminum. If they're factory clear coated, you're fine. If not, no acid.

03-14-2015, 03:05 PM
My understanding is that they are clear-coated polished aluminum, so you should be ok with a paint safe wheel cleaner.

03-14-2015, 03:33 PM


03-14-2015, 03:52 PM
•Are you asking if you can use Meguiar's D140?

•People from other areas of the World are stunned to find out that cleaning products containing chemicals, such as found in Meguiar's D140, are still being used...especially in non-Industrial operations.


03-14-2015, 05:34 PM
They don't look that bad. Why not use Sonax Wheel Cleaner or Iron X, much safer?

03-15-2015, 04:55 AM
If you are really desperate to use wheel brightener, take one off the vehicle and do a spot test somewhere on the inside. Personally, I would not bother with this. Get yourself a safer product - something pH neutral would be my suggestion. You will need an IX type product if there is any significant brake dust accumulation, non-bleeding products (pH neutral ones, at least) are less effective in removal of this.

04-15-2016, 11:42 PM
Reviving an old thread here, did you end up using the wheel brightner? I have these wheels as well. They are definitely aluminum but not sure if they are clear coated.

04-16-2016, 09:49 AM
Reviving an old thread here, did you end up using the wheel brightner? I have these wheels as well. They are definitely aluminum but not sure if they are clear coated.

There is a thin line between effective cleaning
and dangerous-to-use products.


Below Posts taken from this thread:

It is pretty damning of the system that you can manage to have got hold of something so nasty, without anyone asking if you are equipped to deal with it (this is not your fault, the system is failing, IMO). The answer is that you should check the MSDS - the document will be available online.

Have you ever taken a gander at D140's MSDS?


•Please pay close attention to Sections:
-3; 4; 6; 7; and 8.

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04-20-2016, 09:52 AM
Yes and no, actually. Just this past weekend, the cloudiness of the wheels was really bothering me. It's my wife's car so I don't clean it as much as I should. I decided to give it a good wash as last weekend was our first nice weather here in WI. Anyway, I did a test spot on the outside of the wheel with a couple squirts of 4:1 WB on a MF towel. I rubbed it on and let it sit for less than 30 secs. It didn't seem to do any harm, but not much good either. I ultimately just used my usual method of washing the wheels with a bucket of Maxi Suds and the finger-sized mitt (I love that thing!). Overall, they look fine but not as gleaming as I would like them to be....cloudy. I used OPT Spray Wax on the car and it looks great. Not a detail by any means, but my regular wash is better than everyone in my neighborhood's thorough cleaning and my wife doesn't really care, so I guess I will just play it safe and live with cloudy wheels. Cloudy is better than pitted and ruined.