View Full Version : Correcting BAD Technique

03-12-2015, 08:57 AM
Here's the situation: My neighbor was washing his Jeep this past weekend and here is his technique..
- single bucket with dawn soap and sponge
-Dry with leather Chamois
- applied Nu Shine wax with dish towel and "buffed" with large orbital polisher
- Amor all dressing.

He came over to show me his car ( I was giving my car a good detail) and there were sooooo many scratches/marring. Has anyone else run into this situation? Should I tell him what he's doing is wrong or let him be?

03-12-2015, 09:01 AM
How well do you know this neighbor?

If you know each other pretty well, take the, "here are a few tips to make it even better" approach. Maybe do a side by side comparison to show the swirls, and then offer to teach him how to correct it.

Setec Astronomy
03-12-2015, 09:02 AM
Leave it alone. Unless he actually says to you "gee, your car doesn't have all the scratches mine has, why is that?" or asks you why you do it differently than him (which might even lead to him telling you that you are crazy and should do it his way) you're not going to make any friends by critiquing his work. Just tell him it looks great.

Paul A.
03-12-2015, 10:17 AM
Bingo Setec! Exactly what i'm thinking too. I might not go so far as to compliment him on his "shiny" car but i certainly wouldn't offer anything we all know is true and correct unless he opens that up.

03-12-2015, 10:24 AM
Should I tell him what he's doing is wrong

or let him be?
Per The Beatles:

"Let It Be"


03-12-2015, 11:29 AM
This is like approaching someone at the gym and telling them their form is off. For a select few that would be open to the information and be grateful there's ten times as many that will be offended. Nobody likes really being told they are wrong.

If you do something do it tactfully, beyond your paint is actually scratched up due to poor technique.