View Full Version : reload then Cquartz UK

03-08-2015, 06:12 AM
Can I apply Cquartz UK over reload? or do I have to strip the reload somehow? If I have to strip it, how? The story is I bought a new Challenger. I didn't let the dealer wash it. Because of the weather and time constraints I couldn't apply cquartz uk. What I did do is wash, ironx and reload. The car doesn't need any paint correction.

Another question can I use cquartz uk on glass? Carpro say cquartz can be, why not cquartz uk?


03-08-2015, 07:38 AM
would be your best bet to strip off the reload and get down to bare paint for the cquartz to adhere to.

03-08-2015, 08:48 AM
I knew that was going to be the answer, but I was hoping not....lol So how do you strip reload?

03-08-2015, 08:55 AM
The most effective way is to use a finishing polish to strip the paint.
Coating can be use on windows except windshield with blade :)

03-08-2015, 09:18 AM
Corey at Carpro should be able to give a precise technical answer to your question, but I'd assume from the vids I've seen of Reload in action, and how durable it is, I'd guess that coming behind with something as easy as Carpro Eraser just isn't going to cut it, and remove Reload.

I know Corey has stated that CP Eraser was not designed to remove durable sealants, or waxes, but to simply remove any possible Oils present after a polishing process.

There may be other options that haven't been mentioned, where you perhaps won't have to resort to polishes if not really needed.

That other products, such as a good Paint Cleanser may be effective to strip-cleanse the paint without the need to resort to Abrasives?

Possible that Corey may suggest-recommend products such as Paint Cleansers from brands like Pinnacle, or Detailer's Pro-etc? Thus no need to then also possibly remove valuable clear coat in the process if one so chooses.

03-08-2015, 09:35 AM
Great, thank you. I sent corey an email. I'll post back.

03-09-2015, 10:31 AM
How long passed after Reload was done?
if you have strong APC cleaner you can use it over the car surface , after that you can apply CQUK over the reload , it will be fine.
CQUK can be applied on glass surface as well, but wont last so long as flyby Forte would.

03-09-2015, 11:19 AM
Trust me when I say that to put a smile on your face and keep it there that you NEED to do it right the first time!! Congrats on the new Challenger!!

It may come as a surprise but I have to disagree with Avi (the big dog at CarPro), but I would definitely not trust APC to be strong enough to COMPLETELY remove the Reload. I've tested it myself and was surprised as to how resistant it was (initially more than 4 months down the road). Not only that, if you go straight APC and let it dwell too long it may actually "ghost" the clearcoat.

Personally I would do a proper decontamination (chemical and mechanical) then use a CarPro flashpad (on a DA) combined with Reflect and do a quick finish polishing. In my opinion a claying should always be followed by a light polish. A quick double Erasor wipe down and you are ready to coat. UK is great and would definitely my top consumer grade recommendation.

On glass, no question FlyByForte! I was part of the Beta Testing and it is going strong and performing without a single complaint. I have a review and follow up (with pics and video) if you are interested in looking at the performance.

03-09-2015, 11:47 AM
I know that Mike Napoli (CMC Detailing) in Charlotte North Carolina, had this same thing come up on a clients car recently and I think he would agree with Dr Pain, that the new versin Reload is a very sturdy product that may take a little more persuasion to get off the vehicle, which is not a bad thing.


03-10-2015, 03:07 AM
I have been saying, for quite some time, that half decent sealants require a lot more work to guarantee removal. Reload should definitely fall into this category so I tend to agree that I would be unwilling to trust in APC. Personally I do not think that a paint cleanser is a guaranteed solution either - they will generally get rid of wax but I have seen them fail (even using a machine) on a good polymer sealant. Were it me, I would be going over with a mild polish (be very careful, many 'finishing' polishes actually have waxes/polymers/fillers, which you do not want) and then wipe with panel wipe. Then apply the cquartz.

03-10-2015, 07:18 PM
Great info, thank you all.

03-12-2015, 08:31 PM
I got Corey's reply.

"If it was prepped for coating properly then you CAN apply UK over the Reload BUT it is not optimal especially the longer the vehicle is exposed to anything. If you want to remove the reload you are best to polish a light CarPro Reflect across the entire surface, wipe with Eraser, and then UK

Yes, it can be used on some surfaces but for leather you would want CQuartz Leather, for rubber UK is fine, for Glass its ok but I would get Forte, UK is great on Vinyl decals."

Guess I'm doing it the hard way....lol