View Full Version : My first boat since going full time

03-05-2015, 07:38 AM
I had the pleasure of working on a boat since I opened my shop a few months ago.

I did a paint correction on a truck two weeks ago for a guy who owns a marine shop here locally, when he came to pick it up he
asked if I'd polish out his boats that he has for sell and for his customers that need their boats polished, I said sure.

Few days ago he dropped one off, I finished it yesterday and will pick it up today and drop off another one, he said he has many he'd like for me to do.

So I'll have to figure out how to juggle doing cars and now boats.
Love the money you get from working on gel coats but as some of you know it's way more difficult to correct compared to clear coats.

Here's the both all done, there is some gel coat damage here and there that can't be corrected but it looks much better.

Tools used.

DeWalt 849x along with a wool pad and m67
Followed up using my GG6, Meguiar's MF finishing disk along with the m67, I love the all in one product, cuts very well and finishes well.
I applied a coat of Collinite 845, that really made it come together. :dblthumb2:





tuscarora dave
03-05-2015, 07:55 AM
That's great!!! Nice job on the boat too!

03-05-2015, 09:47 AM
HAHAHA!!! You are SCREWED Kevin! Right here in God's country (Sportsman paradise) you can make a full time living out of doing boats only. Well done on that bass boat but before opening Pandora's box, ask yourself the question if you really want to do that all day.

I live 20 minutes from Cypremort Point and I REFUSE to do boats because I will be inundated with calls and don't like working on them! If you want to make a full time living doing boats (big and small), I can probably hook you up ;). I did share not too long ago a "special project" which was the boat of a dear friend of mine (as close to a brother as you can be without sharing a blood line). I was HANDSOMELY paid for it, and have access to his 1.2 million dollar camp at the point anytime I want it. Pretty nice perks and a state of the art boat slip to work on. Even with those incentives, he will be the only boat I will do. On a side note, while I was there cutting and polishing I was interrupted no less than 25 times by neighbors to see if I could do their's next, seriously!! They did not ask for a cost, they just said "come do mine next". If you've ever gone down the Quintana canal at the point, you know that money is no problem :) Personally I enjoy cars much better and would be so happy never to see another boat, so I chose to remain hyperspecialized in cars.

My post is not meant to discourage you but to focus you a little because this thing can (and will) snowball on you in a hurry. If you like doing boats then my hat to you. You are DA man!! You obviously have the skills :)

Here is an incentive if you want it :

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/168846_515255358536843_1476008913_n.jpg?oh=b4a5143 06e81876443442e28223724ee&oe=557E70F6&__gda__=1434720383_ea8d4971526edc60f329b32f948d198 b

03-05-2015, 09:53 AM

This is the boat I worked on and the boat slip. I don't even have to bring the boat to dry dock or have him put it on a trailer. I work right there in the slip and STILL don't want to do it LOL!

03-05-2015, 06:46 PM
HAHAHA!!! You are SCREWED Kevin! Right here in God's country (Sportsman paradise) you can make a full time living out of doing boats only. Well done on that bass boat but before opening Pandora's box, ask yourself the question if you really want to do that all day.

I live 20 minutes from Cypremort Point and I REFUSE to do boats because I will be inundated with calls and don't like working on them! If you want to make a full time living doing boats (big and small), I can probably hook you up ;). I did share not too long ago a "special project" which was the boat of a dear friend of mine (as close to a brother as you can be without sharing a blood line). I was HANDSOMELY paid for it, and have access to his 1.2 million dollar camp at the point anytime I want it. Pretty nice perks and a state of the art boat slip to work on. Even with those incentives, he will be the only boat I will do. On a side note, while I was there cutting and polishing I was interrupted no less than 25 times by neighbors to see if I could do their's next, seriously!! They did not ask for a cost, they just said "come do mine next". If you've ever gone down the Quintana canal at the point, you know that money is no problem :) Personally I enjoy cars much better and would be so happy never to see another boat, so I chose to remain hyperspecialized in cars.

My post is not meant to discourage you but to focus you a little because this thing can (and will) snowball on you in a hurry. If you like doing boats then my hat to you. You are DA man!! You obviously have the skills :)

Here is an incentive if you want it :

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/168846_515255358536843_1476008913_n.jpg?oh=b4a5143 06e81876443442e28223724ee&oe=557E70F6&__gda__=1434720383_ea8d4971526edc60f329b32f948d198 b

Sure man, hook a brother up.
I don't mine doing boats, cars I prefer but have always loved working on boats, the money is really good.


03-05-2015, 06:48 PM

This is the boat I worked on and the boat slip. I don't even have to bring the boat to dry dock or have him put it on a trailer. I work right there in the slip and STILL don't want to do it LOL!

Man that's much easier than how I do them here.
I have to jack them up, one side at a time.

I'm sure you made big money being how large these are.

03-05-2015, 07:14 PM

This is the boat I worked on and the boat slip. I don't even have to bring the boat to dry dock or have him put it on a trailer. I work right there in the slip and STILL don't want to do it LOL!

Great work right there. :dblthumb2: