View Full Version : Advice On Splashed Water

03-04-2015, 08:17 AM
I recently moved into a new house. I have a garage that leads to a nice driveway where I wash my car. The issue is the alley has pot holes that aren't very deep but are very wide so all the wash water fills the hole making a small pool. The first and only traditional wash since moving in due to PA snow was on a random nice day in late November.

After I washed and prepped the car I began to apply the sealant as a jeep comes speeding down the alley right into the pool of water and got the front of the car covered in dirty water. I saw the jeep coming but was at the back of the car with the DA in hand and was unable to do anything to stop it from happening. I was obviously furious, and vowed to have this hole fixed by spring. Well it turns out the township does not own the road so they won't fix the hole, it's up to me to keep or fix it. I do not want to spend money to fix the hole but do not want inconsiderate people ruining hours of my work.

My ideas were to put a huge traffic cone/kids playing sign in the hole blocking drivers from crossing until I move the cone, by then hopefully they would be stopped so I can ask them to not splash my car or they simply squeeze around the hole (road is pretty narrow) The road gets maybe 1-2 cars an hour passing through. The other idea was fill it with concrete. I know it would look out of place and probably not last very long, but I am not sure what else to do. If anyone has ideas, or had this happen to them feedback would be great! Thanks again.

03-04-2015, 08:34 AM
Build a fence?

03-04-2015, 08:50 AM
I'd Quikcrete it. Smooth it out with a 2x4 to get it as even with the existing road as possible. Block it off while it dries. Hopefully it will work. Ask someone from where you buy it if they have any way you can boost the durability or perhaps a better idea. Would be a cheap fix if the Quikcrete worked. Good luck.



03-04-2015, 08:52 AM
It's probably in your best interest to not block-off
any section of this secondary vehicle/property-access
easement with cones, or any other obstacles.

Have a couple of local Blacktop companies come by and
give you an estimate to resurface the alleyway from its
centerline to the edges of your property line.


03-04-2015, 09:33 AM
Thank you everyone for the replies, the concrete seems like it might be a great solution for the price. The blacktop would certainly be better, but I have some more pressing additions to the property that the should be addressed first. I just don't want anymore frustrations from having a clean car getting soaked in dirty water without even being able to finish detailing it.

03-04-2015, 11:20 AM
around here they sell "cold asphalt/cold patch" in 40lbs bags for under 5$, just fill in the pothole with the stuff, and it should last for a long time since there is very low traffic. it does not need to set like concrete, and it's cheap so even if you have to refill the hole once or twice a year, it's still a cheap fix!

03-04-2015, 12:24 PM
Our local home depot has this rubber like stuff. Just trowel it in, put a board over it and let it cure. Dries pretty darn hard.

03-04-2015, 02:01 PM
Thanks again everyone. I never knew of those options, I will certainly need to look into those as well they sound like what I need.

03-05-2015, 09:54 AM
All excellent options IMO. Bob's is probably the best, but like you said, likely the most expensive. Good luck and please shoot us an update. Take care.



03-05-2015, 10:52 AM
All excellent options IMO. Bob's is probably the best, but like you said, likely the most expensive. Good luck and please shoot us an update. Take care.



Thank you again for the responses. I certainly will give an update, currently snowing with way to much snow already on the ground. it may be a while until I'm able to fix the issue. I'll post before and after shots of how I patch the hole incase anyone finds themselves in a similar situation.