View Full Version : New and overwhelmed

03-02-2015, 01:12 AM
Hello Everyone,

As the title says i am new here and a bit overwhelmed. I recently bought a new to me 2012 ram 1500, I have never really paid much attention to caring for my vehicle inside and out besides washing (which i have learned i was doing horribly wrong). I want to keep my truck looking great for many years but i am finding the many options here mind boggling, what basic advice do you have for a new guy to get started? My truck is white and won't fit in the garage door so it will always be outside.

Thank you everyone, I'm off to keep reading the site.

Paul A.
03-02-2015, 07:02 AM
Welcome reicharm! Glad to have you here. It starts by refining your wash and dry techniques. It sounds like you have figured that part out. If i was satarting out again, i would've absolutely gone with a random orbital buffing machine from the start. If you can swing it, look at some of the lower priced machine/pad combos on AutoGeek along with some Megiuars or Menzerna polishes. The only way to make any sense of all this stuff is to just dive right in and try it. And i'm not saying Meg's or Menzerna are the definitive brands but they are popular and offer ranges for all paint types. And there's a bunch of help here too!

VP Mark
03-02-2015, 08:09 AM
Wash, clay, seal for starters. Read up on machine polishing and progress to that as you feel comfortable/have the desire to invest in the tools.

AZ Mike
03-02-2015, 09:07 AM
Welcome to Autorgeek. This is a great place to learn. Here are some articles by Mike Phillips to get you started.

03-02-2015, 09:25 AM
Wash, clay, seal for starters.

This right here. Then sit back, read the forums, see what the pro's use and buy what works for you budget. There are a ton of options but after a while you see the same products getting recommended over and over again.

03-02-2015, 09:45 AM
This right here. Then sit back, read the forums, see what the pro's use and buy what works for you budget. There are a ton of options but after a while you see the same products getting recommended over and over again.

Try not to get caught up in the "I need the latest and greatest" craze. As said above, buy what you can afford. The cheap Meguires Gold Class car soap will clean just as good as the $50/gallon soap.....I guarantee it. I to when I started out maintaining my vehicle got caught up in all the hype products. I quickly learned some of the 'old/basic' stuff works just as well for way less money. IE give some of the Poorboy's stuff a try.

03-02-2015, 03:08 PM
Welcome, and boy do I know how you're feeling lol! ( 4 years and still consider myself a noob) When I got into this hobby, I bought everything under the Sun. I Don't regret it one bit. Here's what I'd start with if I was starting over.
1. Wash (2bm), decontaminate(Auto scrub mitt)
2. Correction polishing (Porter Cable7424) (orange, white, and black pads 4 of each)
3. Wipe or spray on nano glass paint coating, followed by a wipe on walk away polymer sealant.
Then I'd switch to rinseless washing, at least once a week though, for safety. Any longer or if very soiled - 2bm or pressure wash before rinseless
I do a light polish twice a year, spring and fall. Good luck.

03-02-2015, 04:04 PM
Welcome, great advice above.

03-02-2015, 04:17 PM
Welcome !!!

03-02-2015, 08:30 PM
Welcome! I was in your position a while ago and after lurking on several forums, I can tell you that your are in the right place. The members here are great and Mike Phillips is an awesome resource. Here's my 2 cents:
(1) learn the basics first i.e. proper two bucket wash, how to properly wash a car, etc. There are numerous youtube videos (autogeek, junkman), threads on this site, and Mike Phillips books (great for newbies). Don't get caught up in specific products, just the principals i.e. what a wax does, what a sealant does, glaze, etc.
(2) Get a game plan..again, no expensive products (Megs, Poorboys), just the basics: wash, clay, sealant/wax (protection). Have one for deep clean detail and one for your maintenance. The only caveat is don't skimp on microfiber towels..that's were you put your initial investment.
(3) When you're ready to step it up, research your products and post your game plan and ask for input. The members here are awesome. They will give you valuable pointers and won't flame you if you're wrong.
(4) If you have a specific question, and you've done some research, reach out via PM to member who knows a lot (you will see who post and who post well thought out, knowledgeable responses). I have done this several times and each person responded well.
Well, that's my advice. Just the fact that you're here shows your addicted, so the best you can do is manage the addiction. Good luck!

03-02-2015, 09:15 PM
like has been said, just do your homework. I have learned 90% of what I know from forums like this, and youtube. Mike Philips, Larry at AMMO NYC, Megs youtube channels, are really to me all you need. and as stated above dont be afraid to message one of us. I'm always happy to put in my two cents. Thats how I learned.