View Full Version : Q's about GTechniq C1 + EXO v2 scratch resistance

02-17-2015, 11:31 AM

On my Black Sapphire Metallic X5, I have applied GTechniq C1 and GTechniq EXO v2 as per instructions after long session of paint correction and I have noticed that on some high traffic areas like door handle and surroundings that it is almost or less scratch resistant than my previous set up of
Menzerna Power Lock and Einszett 1z Glanz Wax combination

My question is that does C1 provide a layer that is scratch resistant as noted? I would assume C1 and EXO v2 combination, I would have protection and durability against minor scratches

I am hoping since I moved to nano coating someone can enlighten me on the durability of said coatings


02-17-2015, 11:43 AM
I would think that it should, especially the C1, but none are impervious to scratches.


02-17-2015, 11:46 AM
Scratch resistance of coatings: dubious to zilch

Durability of coatings: a crap shoot at best

02-17-2015, 11:53 AM
I am a bit concerned having spent $100 and tedious application for these things.

I am thinking of switching back to Power Lock and Glanz Wax after these wear off, they noted 18 months

Last week, I also did a test 2-bucket method wash on a panel coated with Power Lock + Wax against a panel coated with C1 and I had little to no scratch on the panel with Powerlock and the panel with C1 had produced swirls right away. I thought redoing the paint correction and adding C1 plus EXO v2 will mitigate this but it has not

I was blown away by this result, it is almost like there is "no coating" on the paint work itself!

02-17-2015, 11:58 AM
Climate was controlled to 13C or 55F, very dry humidity


1. Cleaned panels with Menzernal Top Inspection
2. Applied C1, buffed with fine microfiber cloth
3. Waited 6 hours, used Dyson fan to circulate air in the garage
4. Applied first coating of EXO v2 (be careful, EXO flashes within 30 seconds) buffed with brand new Auto Glym microfiber (came with Spray Wax kit)
5.Applied second coating of EXO v2 after 10-20 minutes
6. Visual inspection ensuring no missed area