View Full Version : Glass Polishing - demand? What do you charge?

02-16-2015, 01:36 PM
So I bought some Ceriglass compound and some Rayon pads to work on some light scratches on my truck. Of course I plan on perfecting this technique first BEFORE using it on a customers car, but I was thinking about adding it to my detailing services. Do you guys see much of a demand for glass polishing? Also I don't really have any idea on what to charge for such a service. I'm thinking that 90% of the time the windshield is what a customer would want polished since it typically takes the most abuse. I was thinking of charging $50 to polish the windshield (less of course for side windows) which should cover 45 minutes to a hour of my time and materials (tape, pads, polish, etc.). In that price I would first clay the glass and then polish the glass. A glass coating/protectant would probably be an extra charge....should it be included?

02-17-2015, 04:29 PM
Anyone? :(

02-18-2015, 11:32 PM
I've done a few cars and all I can say is quote them your hourly rate and estimate the time it'll take. The easiest one I did took 15 minutes for the windshield (windshield usually takes the least time because the wipers sheet water off so 90 percent of the surface is already spot free). Worst one I ever did was a rear glass on a car parked outside in the driveway where the customers automatic sprinklers hit it every night with well water, took me 1.5 hours to do just the rear glass on that car.

02-19-2015, 02:06 AM
The Rayons are tough. I bought a stack and have used one single disc so far on half a dozen cars (all glass, mostly four-dour sedans). It is messy and strenuous work regardless of the machine you use because you really have to put weight behind the machine, which is hard to do while reaching, wrangling a cord and a spray bottle and keeping good rhythm. I don't think I'd do a windshield for less than $50. Coating would be extra, but almost a natural up-sell. Glass coatings are a breeze to apply, so it really comes down to your costs. I think in my case I might offer flat rate windshield polishing and Forte for $100, and $40 per window after that.

Keep in mind that many windshields are in much worse shape than you could ever hope to correct with CeriGlass and a DA or rotary. Remind your customer that it may be cheaper for them to get a new windscreen than for you to grind away at it for two hours and still have defects. Of course tell them you'll be glad to coat that new windscreen for them!

Detailing by M
02-19-2015, 02:24 PM
I've offered Glass Polishing for years and no one really bites.
Plus you can't really do much with glass.
I usually polish out dirt that's been on the glass for years.

No real money in it when you can replace the glass for less then what I charge.

The real service you can offer is polish, to make it shinier but no scratch removal/fixing the glass.

I usually polish 40-60 year old glass that the customer doesn't want to replace to keep the vehicles original. But I don't spend a lot of time on it. It's a pretty quick polish then I move on.