View Full Version : Sick of Sensationalized News/Weather

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Setec Astronomy
01-27-2015, 07:20 AM
SHORT VERSION: The "historic" snow storm, wasn't.

Yesterday (Monday) half the people at work decided not to come in (mostly ones that live 40-50 miles away) even though the schools were open and the prediction was only 1-3 inches for yesterday (we got about 3).

We had been getting all the reverse 911 warnings about staying off the road, potential power outages, "local state of emergency" (and state of NJ declared emergency). Last night on TV there were all these "blizzard cams", reporters standing out in the snow so we could get the latest flake info.

On Sunday the total storm snow prediction was 20-33 inches. Monday morning it was down to 15-25, then later in the day it was back up to 17-27. At the time I went to bed, the National Weather Service said we'd be getting 9-13 inches overnight, and I think it said another 6-10 today.

So I woke up a few minutes ago and looked outside to see the results of this "historic storm" to find the snow not quite up to the 4" mark on my ruler...so that's ~1" overnight, and now NWS says 1-2" today.

So we might get 5-6" total. Less than 12 hours ago it was supposed to be 17-27". Besides the fact that the National Weather Service was so far off, with all the news frenzy, life was completely disrupted around here based on a bunch of crap, as far as I'm concerned.

My snowthrower wouldn't start when we had the storm a few days ago, so I spent most of yesterday in a panic trying to get it going (which I did) because I figured there was no way I could clear 33" or even 20" of snow, for something I could shovel as I did on Saturday.

It's my own private joke that the National Weather Service is most accurate about 3 days out, the closer it gets, the further off, and then when the storm is in progress, WHEN I COULD STICK MY HEAD OUT THE WINDOW, they revise the forecast to usually what it was 3 days before...how do they get less accurate as they get closer to the storm?

I'm just sick of the sensationalism of the news and weather, how the media for their own ratings/profits spins these stories and distracts us from the real, important problems of the world. Where is Walter Cronkite? Oh, he's dead.

EDIT: I just found out (I guess I wasn't paying attention because I was hunkered down and not planning to go anywhere) that we have been under a travel ban here in NJ since 11PM last night, and although the southern part of the state it was lifted at 7AM this morning, I'm still under a travel ban...even though we have less snow than the other day when I was free to roam.

Joe Tavarez
01-27-2015, 07:37 AM
Tell me about! I work in Manhattan and my living depends on driving around the corporate folks. Take into account that I am self employed so no sick or snow days being paid. So imagine how I felt when everything got shut down for no real reason. Talk about overhyping a storm, #blizzardfail
But at least you got to fix your snowthrower.
They just lifted the travel ban, now to see if anyone is going to want to go into the office.

Setec Astronomy
01-27-2015, 07:52 AM
But at least you got to fix your snowthrower.

I wish it was that simple, I had the whole thing apart, carburetor off, driving/calling around trying to get a new carb, when probably all it needed was a shot of starter fluid, but I was in blizzard panic! I did find the sparkplug was pretty loose...from my warranty service the last time it wouldn't start?

Anyway, it's back together, plug tight, and I even learned about a product called "Start Your Engines" that's made by the same people as Stabil (I think we have a forum member who works for the company who can elaborate).

01-27-2015, 07:56 AM
I'm just sick of the sensationalism of the news and weather, how the media for their own ratings/profits spins these stories and distracts us from the real, important problems of the world. Where is Walter Cronkite? Oh, he's dead.


mike matchlat
01-27-2015, 07:58 AM
done with weather channels from now on I will look out my window and figure it out myself lol

Setec Astronomy
01-27-2015, 08:18 AM
done with weather channels from now on I will look out my window and figure it out myself lol

For those of you who remember the movie "Logan's Run" and other similar stories, I feel like at some point we are all going to be sitting inside watching people driving around in "blizzard-cam-mobiles" telling us what's going on outside--whether it's true or not. Big Business/Big Media will tell us how the world is--or how they would like us to think it is for their own purposes...or maybe that's already the reality...

01-27-2015, 08:42 AM
Sounds like you got lucky then. The state of Mass is getting hit pretty hard right now. Maybe a foot to a foot and a half so far. Just spent the past two hours driving 30 miles.

Can understand your frustration but it is their job to alert the public to potential danger. But I agree they certainly take it too far all in the name of ratings.

01-27-2015, 08:45 AM
This is one of the prime reason's I don't watch any news or weather on TV any more. The constant churn of insignificant new events into a major crisis is annoying...NEWS FLASH! Mrs Johnson's cat stuck in tree, Mayor considers disaster response actions!!!! Please. The sad part is Americans take the bait hook, line, and sinker and constantly freak out which only makes the situation feed on itself.

At least when I read my news I can filter that garbage out and not have to listen to it. I've also noticed the overall production value of the TV news itself to be pretty bad as well and not what I remember when I was younger. CNN still seems to barely hang on to shred of professionalism, but my local new outlets are high-school level at best and a cringe-worthy experience. I was from the Peter Jennings and Dan Rather era and really miss those days.

01-27-2015, 08:49 AM
The storm shifted further East than they first predicted. Predicting the weather isn't an easy thing to do. Just be glad we didn't get what they were saying. And I think the travel ban they issued was probably one of the better things this state has done as of recent. People on the roads during these snow storms just make it so much more dangerous. I think every snow storm should come with a travel ban.

Setec Astronomy
01-27-2015, 09:05 AM
The storm shifted further East than they first predicted. Predicting the weather isn't an easy thing to do.

Of course it isn't--I just think they should be able to do better than a factor of 10 within 7 hours (9-13 predicted at 11:30PM last night vs. 1" actual at 6:40 this morning), or at least TELL US their forecast could be off by a factor of 10 so everybody doesn't go so bat-guano crazy.

I think every snow storm should come with a travel ban.

Yeah, that will do wonders for the economy, maybe you hibernate during the winter or they don't have to do anything where you work, and lost time doesn't matter.

Joe Tavarez
01-27-2015, 09:07 AM
I wish it was that simple, I had the whole thing apart, carburetor off, driving/calling around trying to get a new carb, when probably all it needed was a shot of starter fluid, but I was in blizzard panic! I did find the sparkplug was pretty loose...from my warranty service the last time it wouldn't start?

Anyway, it's back together, plug tight, and I even learned about a product called "Start Your Engines" that's made by the same people as Stabil (I think we have a forum member who works for the company who can elaborate).

Talking about panic, me and my wife went out last night trying to find a snow blower but they were all sold out. I could imagine you trying to solve that in a hurry with all that hype.

01-27-2015, 09:10 AM
Well I'm an essential employee for the state so the travel ban wouldn't affect me getting to work. And the travel ban would help save lives so the couple hours it's in effect sure won't affect the economy all that much. There are a lot less people out anyways during snow storms.

01-27-2015, 09:20 AM
Usually the worst storms are the ones they DON'T predict. Kind of a running joke here in WNY that if they start hyping the up coming weather, U can bet it will be no big deal.

01-27-2015, 09:23 AM
Funny to see this post as a coworker and myself were just talking about this same subject. remember the 90's and some of the snow we saw then ? I remember waist high snow back in the mids 90's. how abut NY earlier this year ? I work at a job where I am expected to make in in every day and I do just that no matter how much snow we get. living in the Northeast I expect winter to be snow and wind lol !

01-27-2015, 09:26 AM
Peoples Republic of the North East:

Oh no...the sky is falling.

Yes, you are right, open a window.