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01-26-2015, 01:32 PM
So i have tried a spot test of ultimate compound by hand on a black 2012 altima coupe. Didnt really see a difference in the paint. Used it as it was directed on a video i saw but only did one application of it. Is it fair to say that using a DA polisher would make my job easyr even thou am just a beginner.

01-26-2015, 01:49 PM
Polishing paint on an entire car by hand is a waste of time

You have to put so much "Passion behind the pad", that you are spent after one panel

Invest in a DA. Faster and better results

01-26-2015, 01:54 PM
Polishing paint on an entire car by hand is a waste of time

You have to put so much "Passion behind the pad", that you are spent after one panel

Invest in a DA. Faster and better results

:iagree: I wet sanded and correct/polish my passenger side mirror this weekend. I tried correct/polish by hand and what a joke!! Waste of time. Fixed it fast with a DA. Go that route.

01-26-2015, 01:55 PM
For paint correction the size of a car, I would definitely invest in a DA polisher. It will make your job indefinitely easier and MUCH faster

01-26-2015, 03:04 PM
It's possible, but takes forever. Here is a small section I did. I used an orange foam hand applicator which has a decent cut to it.
Here is the before. The whole car is like this because it has been through many auto car washes.
Now, after 3 passes of Ultimate Compound, I'd say it's a pretty decent improvement. Obviously no where near perfect or the level that a machine could achieve, but I'd still say impressive.

01-26-2015, 03:25 PM
Back in the day an old fashion hand job would make a HUGH difference .... No pun intended!

01-26-2015, 05:28 PM
Thank you for the information and quick reponses. I will soon update how my job is going.��

01-26-2015, 07:37 PM
This 12"x12" Test Spot was done by hand to convince the Customer that the paint could be salvaged. Took 15 minutes of aggressive, passionate polishing


01-26-2015, 07:43 PM
This 12"x12" Test Spot was done by hand to convince the Customer that the paint could be salvaged. Took 15 minutes of aggressive, passionate polishing


Wow!! Looks great!! your arms were probably sore!!....LOL Again, beautiful work!

01-26-2015, 08:10 PM
I would say, yes it can be done because that is the way I did it back in the 90's on my cars. It sucked and took too long, which is why I never got the results that pro detailers could get. I would just get too tired and had to break it up in sections over a couple of weeks. With me not knowing about sealants, using carnuba for protection was frustrating due to it diminishing within weeks. I switched to a cheap 10" random orbit buffer which helped speed things up but still not what I was looking for. I recently bought a Porter Cable DA and am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. I can now do my vehicles with multi-step correction in about 2 days with far better results than I ever achieved before.
It all depends on budget, available time and dedication. I still recommend getting a DA polisher and watching the videos available here to learn. It has improved my results 10 fold and renewed my interest in caring for my cars.

01-26-2015, 08:28 PM
I couldn't imagine trying to correct a car by hand. Flex 3401 all the way. I want to spend a day, not a month correcting the finish.

01-26-2015, 10:50 PM
Reminds me of a phrase that Larry from Ammo NYC said, you can dig a hole with a spoon; you'll get there but it will take forever, or dig a hole with a backhoe, and you'll get there in no time.
Invest in a DA. Before I bought my PC I tried UC by hand and after about an hour of non stop rubbing on the paint my arm was too sore to go on, plus the results were less that impressive. Get yourself a DA and some good pads, put your UC to work, and save your arm lol. :p

FYI as far as I know they only show them using the Ultimate Compound on single stadge paints, not clearcoats. Using UC by hand on a single stage MAY work if you have time etc. Using it by hand on a clearcoat is like the spoon metaphore...meaning its next to impossible :D


01-26-2015, 11:08 PM
Run to Harbor Freight and grab a DA and let loose!

01-27-2015, 12:31 AM
Polishing paint on an entire car by hand is a waste of time

You have to put so much "Passion behind the pad", that you are spent after one panel

Invest in a DA. Faster and better results

Wow buddy! He's just starting out remember!? and you're already blasting him with a da?

Chichi, yes a da is safe for you. The way a da works is it moves in two different directions. Unlike a rotary. So if you put to much pressure on a da it will stop spinning so it won't burn the paint. A da is so safe I think a monkey could use it lol :)

01-27-2015, 01:07 AM
Im the MAN
Wow buddy! He's just starting out remember!? and you're already blasting him with a da?

Chichi, yes a da is safe for you. The way a da works is it moves in two different directions. Unlike a rotary. So if you put to much pressure on a da it will stop spinning so it won't burn the paint. A da is so safe I think a monkey could use it lol :)


Once again, this is a good example of knowing your audience

The OP mentioned a DA in his initial post, "Is it fair to say that using a DA polisher would make my job easyr (sp) even thou I am just a beginner."

Based on his statement, I can safely understand that he know what the acronym stands for

Do you mean "too" much pressure? How much is too much? As you said, talking to a beginner