View Full Version : 2nd post - and its a dumb question

01-22-2015, 08:48 AM
Simple question i want you guys to clear up for me

Im reading about polish, glaze, wax, sealants

When get my truck out this spring i usually do a full detail on it

What is the order your suppose to use these products? what goes on first? 2nd etc..

In the past ive done this

1. wash vehicle and dry
2. jetseal 109 paint sealant
3 blacklight
4. petes 53 wax?

should i strip everything off this spring and start over? i do have very very fine scratches , you can only see them when you hold a flashlight up to the paint

what do i do?

p.s. i do everything by hand, i dont trust myself with a machine....so keep that in mind

01-22-2015, 09:05 AM
Black light is gonna remove the jetseal so you're gonna want to do that first.

So wash.




Then wax after the sealant has cured. Waiting 12 hours would be ideal.

01-22-2015, 09:07 AM
Black light is gonna remove the jetseal so you're gonna want to do that first.

So wash.




Then wax after the sealant has cured. Waiting 12 hours would be ideal.

exactly what i needed to know

to strip everything off this spring, should i do a wash with something like dish soap? or whats the best way to get rid of everything and start over?

01-22-2015, 09:35 AM
Polishing is the best way to remove your existing wax or sealant.

So just claying and using the Blacklight will get rid of any protection you have on there. Personally I would skip the dawn and use any auto shampoo. But it's your call on that.

Paul A.
01-22-2015, 09:43 AM
I, too, was initially afraid of a machine and was doing all my work by hand. Once i got my Porter Cable 7336 many years ago i was amazed at how both harmless it is and much much better to get the work done. Tried everything you can to get over your fear of a ROB machine. You'll kick yourself for waiting to try it. The old saying is "unless you drop it on the vehicle, you are highly...and i mean highly...unlikely to cause any damage".

01-22-2015, 09:49 AM
Polishing is the best way to remove your existing wax or sealant.

So just claying and using the Blacklight will get rid of any protection you have on there. Personally I would skip the dawn and use any auto shampoo. But it's your call on that.

ok, great info! very helpful

thank you guys!

01-22-2015, 09:58 AM
Does Blacklight have any abrasives in it? I always understood the product to be more of a glaze.

If you really want to get rid of the fine swirls, I'd hit the vehicle with a light polish after the clay and then follow up with the sealant and a wax.

Between the clay and the polish the remnants of last years LSP should be long gone. I'd avoid Dawn. I used to use it, but started to notice it drying out my plastic and rubber trim. Now, I just use the polish to remove the LSP.

01-22-2015, 11:46 AM
Does Blacklight have any abrasives in it? I always understood the product to be more of a glaze.

If you really want to get rid of the fine swirls, I'd hit the vehicle with a light polish after the clay and then follow up with the sealant and a wax.

Between the clay and the polish the remnants of last years LSP should be long gone. I'd avoid Dawn. I used to use it, but started to notice it drying out my plastic and rubber trim. Now, I just use the polish to remove the LSP.

I've always thought of Blacklight as an all in one that was capable of stripping any existing LSP.

I've never used it before however so someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

01-22-2015, 12:06 PM
Simple question i want you guys to clear up for me

Im reading about polish, glaze, wax, sealants

When get my truck out this spring i usually do a full detail on it

What is the order your suppose to use these products? what goes on first? 2nd etc..

In the past ive done this

1. wash vehicle and dry
2. jetseal 109 paint sealant
3 blacklight
4. petes 53 wax?

should i strip everything off this spring and start over? i do have very very fine scratches , you can only see them when you hold a flashlight up to the paint

what do i do?

p.s. i do everything by hand, i dont trust myself with a machine....so keep that in mind

No such thing as a dumb question here, we all had to start somewhere :props:

My recommendation is as follows:

Wash - Citrus Soap
CarPro IronX - chemical decon
Clay Bar
Polish to remove fine scratches
Jetseal - Sealant with no fillers
Blacklight - Sealant with fillers

Use one or the other when it comes to BL or JS - wasting product and time putting one over the top of the other...there no abrasives in Blacklight...