View Full Version : Healiners?

01-15-2015, 07:29 PM
Ok I have been deatiling for awhile now and have always stayed away from doing to much to healiners because of the chance of adhesive separating. Well just wondering if any of you have any ideas on cleaning headliners. I hate leaving a car with spots on the headliner.

Here is a picture of one car I did the other day. Not sure if anything could have been done with this or not. It was crayon all on the headliner. Any advise would be great.

01-15-2015, 07:34 PM
Woolite, oxyclean, and or shout are GOLDEN! Make sure to put the solution your towel NOT the headliner.

Worked on my Benz. Be very careful to not overwork the area.

01-15-2015, 08:24 PM
Woolite but id only touch it if they either requested it or if the headliner was pretty clean already. Otherwise its possible to end up with one clean spot which would mean you would have to do the whole headliner. I tend to avoid headliners at all cost. For some reason they scare me.

01-15-2015, 08:54 PM
A search would have brought this up from yesterday Cornholio (I kid, I kid):


01-15-2015, 09:07 PM
A search would have brought this up from yesterday Cornholio (I kid, I kid):


I tried a search but must not have found the right one.. I figured there was one already out there somewhere. LOL . But thanks for the link on it.

Also thanks for the replies cartman1 and brondondolon

01-15-2015, 09:31 PM
I would first try to scrap any excess crayon off the headliner. Once that is removed I would then take some citrus degreaser on a clean terry cloth towel and lightly blot the area. Use as little degreaser as possible you don't want to take out the adhesive in the backing.

Folex will help clean the headliner as well but never used it on crayon.

Try a test spot in an area were you can add contact adhesive if the current adhesive fails. Advise the customer before hand of the possible issues.

I have tried a hair dryer as well with a clean soft towel. Litely heat the crayon and blot to the clean towel. This will take a while but will get it out. Be careful because heat is your enemy. To hot and adhesive will fail.


01-15-2015, 10:07 PM
Crayon requires solvent based cleaner for good results

Crayon Stain Removal (http://www.proschoice.com/html/crayon.html)

01-16-2015, 08:30 AM
Just a side note, my headliner had a little dirt here and there so the Woolite took care of it easy. If the headliner is seriously in bad condition, it might as well be avoided or changed. It's not a place where you have the luxury of using too many products or or elbow grease.

01-16-2015, 05:44 PM
Man, watching some videos of the Tornador Black, I feel like kicking myself for never looking into this product. So now I have a question...after you clean and blow stuff around with the air, I never see anyone following with extraction afterward. I see the stuff getting clean...so where does all the dirt go? Referring to fabrics.

01-16-2015, 10:35 PM
The black is my go to for all headliners. I honestly can't tell you where the dirt goes but I have to empty the cup at the end of the tornador from time to time as excess liquid gets trapped in there. I have a video on my FB page somewhere of me doing a headliner.

I may be slow, but I do poor work.

01-16-2015, 10:40 PM
Here is a 50/50 shot of a headliner that was covered in smoker tar.

I may be slow, but I do poor work.