View Full Version : Pro Auto Detailing : 2014 Tesla Model S P85D : Opti-Coat Pro

01-14-2015, 11:23 PM
There's no better way to start out the new year than to have one of the most innovative, most talked about, and in my opinion the most popular vehicle on the market today. I base this on it's stunning appearance, innovative technology, and it's all electric power plant. But enough of my opinion, here she is.

This customer found out about Opti-Coat Pro from the online community through the Tesla forums and various Facebook groups. He then proceeded to look at the installer map and did his due diligence and checked out the other certified detailers in Connecticut, the 3 installers in Massachusetts, as well as Rhode Island and New Hampshire. I assume that considering we're the 2nd furthest from him that we passed his test. First travelling from Boston to western Ma and then to the eastern side meant driving the Tesla a couple hundred miles through snow, salt, sand, and slush and adding layer upon layer on the under body, wheel wells, sides, as well as the door jambs, and body seems. I've personally have not seen a vehicle this heavily caked on before, not so much the sides of the vehicle, but though the seams and door jambs.

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Once we had the vehicle washed, and the paint decontaminated all that was needed was a light compounding step with Hyper Compound to eliminate various scratches throughout the vehicle, and finished with a thorough polishing with Hyper Polish.

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Once we finished the prep, we coated the paint with 2 coats of Opti-Coat Pro, as well as the wheel facings of both his summer and winter set. 1 hour between coats and we leave it cure overnight in the shop. Here's how she looked as we closed up for the night.

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One practice we come into the habit of doing is after the coating itself has cured overnight (minimum of 12 hours) we apply Opti-Seal to all the coated areas. We find our customers are significantly happier with not only the way the vehicles look, but we are satisfied as we know the coating is protected as it cures. Opti-Seal lasts up to 6 to 9 months on uncoated vehicles while on coated vehicles it last 1 to 3 months, the perfect amount of time to allow Opti-Coat Pro to fully harden. We find that issues with water spots are non existent since we started doing so.

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Here's to hoping this means there's alot more of these and others that are to come through our doors this year. Thanks for checking us out.

01-14-2015, 11:36 PM
nice dude! super slick combo of products. literally slick.

gloss-coat over opti-coat is kosher too according to Dr. G, which apparently mimics the effect of the fabled pro + and the slickness lasts.

sucks to release such a gorgeous car into the wild weather but there is no choice.

01-15-2015, 09:11 AM
Wow. The gloss on that is *very* deep. Well done.


01-15-2015, 09:22 AM
Wow, that looks great. It will stand out even more with all the salt covered cars on the road beside it.

Would Opti-seal over Gloss Coat be okay and serve the same purpose as far as letting it cure without risk of water spots, etc?

01-15-2015, 09:30 AM
Nicely done! Glossy!

01-15-2015, 11:01 AM
I dunno... I can't tell any difference before/after. ;)

01-15-2015, 11:33 AM
Wow, that looks great. It will stand out even more with all the salt covered cars on the road beside it.

Would Opti-seal over Gloss Coat be okay and serve the same purpose as far as letting it cure without risk of water spots, etc?

i'll ask Dr. G - good question.

GC acts a lot like Opti-Seal in a lot of ways during installation, etc. so i wonder if it's also more resistant to initial cure water spotting like Opti-Seal would be as a protectant for the curing Opti-Coat.

01-15-2015, 12:35 PM
i'll ask Dr. G - good question.

GC acts a lot like Opti-Seal in a lot of ways during installation, etc. so i wonder if it's also more resistant to initial cure water spotting like Opti-Seal would be as a protectant for the curing Opti-Coat.

Yeah, almost like Reload over top of CQUK. I have OCW, but no OS. Guess I'll go ahead and get it loaded into my cart just in case :rolleyes:

01-18-2015, 08:34 PM
nice work Will! that Tesla looks sharp!