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12-23-2014, 09:26 PM
I done a full detail on a 2001 Silverado for a friend last week so he could sell it.
He was just telling me about his new Tundra,, I told him he should take care of the paint and not let it get like the Silverado :eek:
He said the Toyota dealer told him the paint didn't need wax or any kind of care except washing for the first 5 years?
I'm not buying it but don't know what to say, I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to push my detailing services at him but I hate to see the truck go 5 years without any protection.
Is there factory coatings I'm not aware of, or is this just another dealership sales pitch?

12-23-2014, 09:45 PM
Sounds very dealership 'pitch like' to me.

12-23-2014, 09:50 PM
I done a full detail on a 2001 Silverado for a friend last week so he could sell it.
He was just telling me about his new Tundra,, I told him he should take care of the paint and not let it get like the Silverado :eek:
He said the Toyota dealer told him the paint didn't need wax or any kind of care except washing for the first 5 years?
I'm not buying it but don't know what to say, I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to push my detailing services at him but I hate to see the truck go 5 years without any protection.
Is there factory coatings I'm not aware of, or is this just another dealership sales pitch?

That guy should be taken out back and drawn and quartered. Also it shows how ignorant some car salesman are. I wonder if Toyota says that in their warranty? That's what I'd say to your buddy. Tell him to ask the guy if that's the case how often do I have to wash it and if I do and the paint fails is it covered under the warranty for 5 years? And get it in writing. If it's dark colored park it down here in Florida outside for 5 years and just wash it and see what happens to the paint. Can't wait for Mike P to chime in on this one.

12-23-2014, 09:55 PM
Wow! That Dealership sold him some real good BS. I do not care what type of product on the paint. It will not last 5 years. Sorry to hear that your bud went to the Dark Side. Maybe you should let him see our threads on this post and maybe he will join the Force!!

You should let him know regardless if he goes through you or not it needs protection from the environment.
Good luck!!

12-23-2014, 10:00 PM
Owners manual should have a section on paint care.

12-23-2014, 11:20 PM
Sounds like he was sold the magical dealership applied "sealant" that protects the paint forever and only needs to be periodically rinsed with water. SMH.

I've applied the newest version of Xzilon which is one of the most popular dealer paint warranty products that I have seen. It's a complete joke. The kit literally just includes 3 wet towelettes (imagine the hand cleaners you get at a BBQ restaurant) with sealant and one wet towelette for the windshield. They all smell like water... although it does make the paint feel slick. No idea on longevity. The glass sealant for the windshield says on the package it protects against rock chips??? WHAT?

I also have a few years worth of experience with GlassCoat from Simonize. It's a good product. Not as glossy as something like CQuartz but it is comparable to many of the other glass coatings on the market; however, it isn't going to last 5 years on a daily driven vehicle. I'd say 24 months tops if it's maintained correctly.

12-24-2014, 01:48 AM
Thanks for the responses everyone, pretty much what I expected to hear.
I'll be talking to him in the next day or two, I've done a few vehicles for him so he trusts me enough to take the advise I think.

12-24-2014, 02:56 AM
I wish my Tundra had that! I have a 2010, paint color Pyrite Mica and it's just as soft as my Sti's paint.

12-24-2014, 06:50 AM
I have 2104 dark grey Tundra (not sure the real color name) and I never got that speech. Heck mine lost all its beading after 3 washes what ever crap the dealer put on in prep didn't last a month.

I bought mine the first week the redesigned 2014's were out and before it even arrived at the dealer. I was way more informed on their new truck then any of the salesman were. They dont have the nick name Sales Weasels for no reason they will tell you what ever they need to to make the sale.

Tell him treat it like any other car sealant or wax every 4-6 months touch ups in between with spray boosters.

12-24-2014, 08:19 AM
I wish my Tundra had that! I have a 2010, paint color Pyrite Mica and it's just as soft as my Sti's paint.

Ditto here for my wife's '13 Highlander. The Sizzling Crimson is so soft I'm pretty sure the wind blowing over it will cause marring. I've also noticed the trim fades pretty quick without any protectant on it. I can't imagine how bad a car would look after 5 years of seeing nothing but washes.

12-24-2014, 08:35 AM
I have sizzling Crimson on my toyota the above poster is right Mars scratch and chips when the wind blows

01-07-2015, 11:08 PM
I work as an engineer at Toyota during the day time... rest assure... no coatings are going on the in factory. That was either the Xzilon sales pitch or the saleman pitch to sell it...

01-07-2015, 11:42 PM
The glass sealant for the windshield says on the package it protects against rock chips??? WHAT?

interestingly enough it's apparently possible for liquid glass coatings to reduce impact damage. tho i know nothing about xzilon. i know of a manufacturer that did lab impact testing with bbs with various iterations of a particular glass coating and there was a drastic reduction in damage with the coating vs. without. i can't remember the numbers but it was something like 9 out of 10 bbs damaged the glass without coating and 1 out of 10 on coated glass.

the glass is microscopically composed of jagged peaks and valleys. when something hits it, it catches those peaks, jars them and compromises the glass to varying degrees. when the glass is coated with the right stuff, the valleys of the jags are filled so everything is level with the peaks, thus, offering a microscopically smoother surface with less chance for damage and making the tall peaks more stable since they are insulated along with the neighboring peaks using the coating as a bridge.


01-08-2015, 01:13 PM
I agree that coatings can reduce scratches. Not 100% sold that they can reduce rock chips.

Sent from my N9810 using AG Online

01-08-2015, 01:19 PM
I agree that coatings can reduce scratches. Not 100% sold that they can reduce rock chips.

Sent from my N9810 using AG Online

lab testing has confirmed it, but i need to find out if i'm allowed to release more info :)