View Full Version : Microfiber and other Questions for Mike P.

12-16-2014, 11:12 AM
Hi everyone, I sent this to Mike P. earlier this morning.
Mike wanted me to post these questions to the forum.

Hello Mike,

I purchased you book , " The Art of Detailing". It has been a valuable source for me. I purchased this book since it was first published.
Yesterday, I purchased a dark navy exterior colored car.

I have several questions for you.
1) Which microfiber towels work the best for wax removal and compounds, for this color.
When should the towels be replaced? I have a dozen towels that I have had for over 4 years, they seem ok?
I do wash the towels on a regular basis.

2) I have a Boars Hair Brush, when should this replaced? I have had it for over 3 years under constant usage.
Can I wash the brush with dish soap to get the dirt and grease out?

3) what are the best sealants for this color?

4) for optimum protection how often should the wax/sealants be applied?
I use a Flex Buffer and also, a Dewalt Rotary Buffer, what speeds should I run the machines so the paint will not damage, or heat up.
I owned silver colored cars all my life. I fell in love with the Dark Navy Color.

I am a member of the forum, but I needed some specific questions answered.
Thank you in advance for your time. I am in the middle of a career change so money is tight!

Mike Phillips
12-16-2014, 11:49 AM
Hi everyone, I sent this to Mike P. earlier this morning.
Mike wanted me to post these questions to the forum.

Hello Mike,

I purchased you book , " The Art of Detailing". It has been a valuable source for me. I purchased this book since it was first published.

Yesterday, I purchased a dark navy exterior colored car.

I have several questions for you.

Thank you for bringing this to the forum. I get a lot of e-mails and PM's with questions and my preferred method for answering questions is via the public forum.

That said, let me take a stab at your questions using the multi-quote feature provided for in vBulletin.

1) Which microfiber towels work the best for wax removal and compounds, for this color.

The color of the paint makes no difference nor has any affect on the performance of a microfiber towels and this is specifically true for most new cars because most new cars have a clearcoat finish so you're never really working on colored paint, but the top coat which is clear.

When should the towels be replaced? I have a dozen towels that I have had for over 4 years, they seem ok? I do wash the towels on a regular basis.

What I use is common sense and the "Feel Test". Common sense tells me that if a towel physically looks bad, bad meaning it doesn't look to be in good condition then I delegate it to other tasks that don't include "touching" the major painted body panels.

The feel test is simple, the towel should feel soft to the touch. AS microfiber becomes worn with age and use the towel will tend to become more course or crunchy. When the microfiber feels like this then delegate it to non paint duties and get some new towels.

2) I have a Boars Hair Brush, when should this replaced? I have had it for over 3 years under constant usage.

Sounds like you've obtained your money's worth. As long as the brush/bristles are still performing to your expectations then keep using it. If it looks worn or you think the ends of the hairs are physically worn and coarse, then replace it.

The boar's hair brushes we use out in the garage are at least into their 3rd year. After use we rinse them and let them drip dry.

Can I wash the brush with dish soap to get the dirt and grease out?

That will work. Hopefully the bristles on these brushes are not getting exposed to grease every time you use them as that means your car is getting exposed to grease every time you drive it.

Grease is grease, road film is not grease and should dissolve or be removed using normal car wash solution as you use the brush and then rinse.

3) what are the best sealants for this color?

I think one of the most favorite sealants for any color of clear coat is the Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant 3.0 I leaves a very clear finish and a very slick feeling finish. It lasts a long time, applies easy and wipes off even easier.

4) for optimum protection how often should the wax/sealants be applied?

How often a wax or sealant should be re-applied comes down to how the paint is 'touched" after the removal of the previous application. Touch the paint gently like washing and drying it carefully and you can probably get away with twice a year. More often if you keen on always having your car look like it was just waxed.

5) I use a Flex Buffer and also, a DeWALT Rotary Buffer, what speeds should I run the machines so the paint will not damage, or heat up.

In the second version (http://www.autogeek.net/how-to-create-a-show-car-shine-book.html) of my first book I include the temperature ranges to avoid for what is called,

Destructive Paint Polishing

The range to avoid is the 160 to 180 and higher. See page 124.

As long as you use common sense you're not going to hurt the paint due to heat using a Flex 3401. You can harm the paint using the rotary buffer if you're not careful. Just keep the pad moving when buffing large sections and when buffing small areas take breaks and feel the paint with your hand, if you can't keep your hand on the paint and hold a conversation it's too hot so let it cool down.

Avoid high speeds with the rotary buffer. Most modern compounds can be used at low RPMs and most work can be done between 900 RPM and 1500 RPM. Save higher RPMs for severely oxidized gel-coat surfaces.


12-17-2014, 09:09 PM
I too have questions over microfiber towels and pads.
There's so many kind of microfiber towel and I'm unsure of it's uses. I want to know which is the best for most situation?

2nd, I also heard that microfiber pad is good for cutting and should be use more for polishing, is it true?