View Full Version : Meguiars New DA

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Roger T
12-15-2014, 06:29 PM
Meguiars has introduced their new MT300 Dual Action Polisher. It is being promoted as the pad being able to continue to rotate under pressure. That makes me wonder if it is a "forced rotation" polisher like a Flex XC3401.

The New Meguiars MT300 is priced at $220 where as a Flex XC3401 is $360. I wonder how they compare.

Roger T

Setec Astronomy
12-15-2014, 06:55 PM
No, it is not a forced-rotation polisher. I'm sure there will be some reviews on here when the machine becomes available.

12-15-2014, 06:57 PM
The flex is gear driven which is why its forced rotation. The megs mt300 is still a traditional style DA like the PC and the alike (GG6, G110v2, PCXP, etc) which still can stop rotating under enough pressure. No compariison as the flex is the only DA with forced rotation...

12-15-2014, 07:04 PM
I wonder how they compare.

Apples to oranges.

12-15-2014, 07:09 PM
good for a begginer ?

12-15-2014, 07:11 PM
Like they said - it's spindle is free, meaning the pad will spin in consequence of the orbital motion. If you hold the backing plate with the tool powered on it will only oscillate, and not spin.

This also means if you exert sufficient pressure / or hit an 'odd place' during the polishing of a complex panel / etc, it may loose some rotation, bog down or even stop rotating. Pad rotation is a very crucial aspect when correcting paint defects and you should work towards keeping it at a good level.

However, Meguiar's invested again in 'Cruise Control' improvement (it try to compensate power when more pressure is added), or better saying, 'Digital Torque Management ensures proper torque to maintain load speed level'.

This will not avoid bog down, but may help.

The better technique you develop, less bogging down issues you may face.

Another important investment (IMO) Meguiar's made was the release of new foam discs. Like Mike Phillips always says, with DAs, 'Thin is In'. And the new foam discs are exactly this thin.

When you use bulky pad on a spindle free DA, the pad itself may absorb much of the motion of the tool reducing your polishing effectiveness. Thin pads helps dealing with this.

If you are willing to add a lot, lot of pressure to your DA, you're (again, IMO) going in the wrong direction. Switch to a better compound, a coarser pad, or even the Meguiar's (incredible, by the way) Microfiber Discs, which not only increases the cut but are also thin and will rotate very well.

The tool itself seems to be well made, well balanced, vibrates little but I've not tested one personally and will not be able to certify it's a great buy (tip to Meguiar's: Send me one for review! ;) )

Sounds very interesting indeed, for me it's more comparable to a Rupes (apart from conventional 8mm throw) than to a Flex.

I also don't see 8mm throw on the Meg's tool as a disadvantage, since many times I feel 21mm from my big foot is too much.

If I would go with Meg's new DA I'd also follow their 'system', pairing with new thin foam pads and microfiber discs, in my preference 5".

Hope that helps, good luck on your decision.

Kind Regards.

12-15-2014, 07:20 PM
We need to get Detailing Art to comment, he got to play with it at the Megs headqtrs during a free get together.

12-15-2014, 07:58 PM
There is this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9Uc3ZtGOqs]Detailing Art - Meguiar's 2015 MT 300 - YouTube[/video]

12-15-2014, 08:04 PM
One of the guys down at TNOG, I think it was Paul, had it on the countertop and was leaning on it pretty hard and the rotation did not stop

We only polished one hood out that night, but consensus was that it is a big upgrade from the old Megs unit and very capable when paired with the DAMF System or the new thin foam pads

12-15-2014, 08:13 PM

http://www.autogeekonline.net/gallery/data/2314/MT300_Paul.JPG (http://www.autogeekonline.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/88613)

12-15-2014, 10:24 PM
It was Paul "The other PC"

12-16-2014, 03:34 AM
Is there a side by side comparison table between the old G110/220 and the new DA? The 220 and the new DA are both 500W so apart from the pads and just looking at the machine what are thd actual hardware differences?

12-17-2014, 02:22 PM
anyone? im looking to get my first DA

The Guz
12-17-2014, 02:32 PM
Is there a side by side comparison table between the old G110/220 and the new DA? The 220 and the new DA are both 500W so apart from the pads and just looking at the machine what are thd actual hardware differences?

There isn't one. You can find more info here.

MT300 Dual Action Polisher (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?62181-MT300-Dual-Action-Polisher)

anyone? im looking to get my first DA

I would go for the MT300.

Here's the latest video for it.

MT300 DA Polisher - YouTube

12-17-2014, 04:00 PM
anyone? im looking to get my first DA

as i've said (here we go again) every detailer/enthusiast should own at least one traditional style (PC) DA, and with that said the GG6 would be a wise choice (plenty of power, good warranty). the smaller body design unlike many of the new DA's out or coming out now, isn't as cumbersome if you want to use one hand and apply your lsp's and use a carpet brush attachment for the carpets (as well as using smaller backing plates and pads). it would also be a nice backup as well later down the line if you decide to add another polisher. i would wait and see for more feedback on the megs mt300 before you drop $200. one thing though, megs customer service (like griots) is excellent and that would be reassuring as well just in case a problem or two arises...