View Full Version : How do you remove bugs and tar?

12-11-2014, 07:10 PM
I wash my vehicle and then at the end notice not everything has been removed such as tough bugs on the front or stuff thrown up from the tires. Then I'll try to remove it after the vehicle has been washed. How do you guys go about it and what products do you use? I'd like to be able to remove bugs and whatnot before or during the washing step instead of going back at the end. Feed back please

12-11-2014, 07:37 PM
Safe Scrub Bug & Tar Pad

12-11-2014, 07:56 PM
Poorboys bug squash
P21s taw

12-11-2014, 08:38 PM
Surf City Garage Road Trip Grime Destroyer. Available at Pep Boys. Good stuff and can be diluted 1:1.

12-11-2014, 08:59 PM
Are you guys using these products before washing or after?

12-11-2014, 11:06 PM
Are you guys using these products before washing or after?i always use them before.

12-11-2014, 11:23 PM
I like chemical guys bug tar wash. You can spray it before washing to loose bugs and then wash normally.

However I prefer washing at first to remove gross dirt, spray CG then use something like sonax bug sponge or a mesh safe scrub towel.

What I'll do in each case depends initial inspection. Few bugs I may do the first approach. Lots of bugs and dirty I'd do the second suggestion (wash first, bugs after in a dedicated step).

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards.

12-11-2014, 11:44 PM
Safe Scrub Bug & Tar Pad

Are you guys using these products before washing or after?This is a pad that you can use during the wash, after sitting in your (preferably warm) wash solution for about 15 minutes. Here's a review:

12-12-2014, 08:44 AM
I pre-soak with Poorboys Bug Squash and then use the DP bug and tar sponge when washing. Works even on the worst vehicles.

If I get a really big mess this Spring/Summer, I'm going to do the trick Mike Phillips described in a similar post a few days ago: laying wet towels over the worst area to soften things up.

12-12-2014, 08:54 AM
If you pre soak, do not use anything to scrub the paint. Rinse first(preferably power rinse), then go to normal washing. If there's anything left over after washing, use the pre soak again(you can scrub this time), then rinse.

Paul A.
12-12-2014, 09:10 AM
Mike P posted recently with a wet towel trick to presoak bug remains first to soften them up. (edit - desertnate beat me to it) I loved that idea for bug guts on the nose and side mirrors. I'll use it to presoak those areas while i'm starting on the wheels and tires giving them plenty of time to loosen their grip on the paint. Whatever still remains i would simply spot attack with P21S. I am anticipating using less P21S product after letting the wet towel approach save me some money and time. Better yet, that 5.99 bug and tar sponge! Leave that in a soapy bucket for quick grab when needed.

I would maybe hit those spots with bug and tar or Grime Reaper before you wash making them come off with your wash. Your question relates to saving some time and maybe making the initial wash more effective at removing the more stubborn stuff. I like loosening it with the wet towel trick or spot hitting them with something dedicated to the problem.

For rocker panel/lower panel greasy, grimy stuff that remains after the normal wash i hit it with more P21S on a MF although most of that stuff comes off with my initial wash. The vehicle is clean at this point and ready for decon.

Another edit - i like Mark's thinking too...i don't "scrub", especially with my black paint!

12-13-2014, 03:40 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've ordered a bug and tar sponge and I'll see how that works out.