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12-08-2014, 01:41 PM
In the old days, wax would stain trim pretty heavily so it was necessary to tape the trim off and make sure it didn't touch it. I know there are a lot of newer waxes that don't stain the trim at all. I was wondering the other day as I was spending 10 minutes taping the car off if I am wasting my time and money taping. Are the products I am currently using not even going to stain the trim? I have used Meguiar's cleaner wax since the mid 90's and it used to stain really bad.

Do you guys always tape? I always have but was wondering. I have accidently gotten product on the trim and it hasn't stained to my knowledge. I typically use:

Meguiar's UC and UP, sometimes CW and UW. Also M205.

12-08-2014, 02:06 PM
I suggest taping if you are compounding to avoid the abrasives potentially damaging the trim

There are too many good LSP's out there to use one that stains trim

12-08-2014, 02:08 PM
I tape only before polishing. Lsp right after so the tape is already there protecting the trim. All my trim have a protectant so I doubt if any lsp would stain it. The problem is getting the tape to stick.

Mike Phillips
12-08-2014, 03:05 PM
One thing for sure... if you are using a product that stains trim and you get some on the trim it's like almost impossible to remove it 100% and you'll end up messing with it for the rest of your life or as long as you own the car.

For compounds and polishes I tape-off.

For non-staining waxes or sealants I slow down and be careful.

One thing for sure, I love detailing cars but hate trying to remove residues off of plastic trim and the worst type of plastic trim is the pebble textured plastic trim.

It's my theory that the person that invented pebble textured plastic trim has never washed and waxed a car.


12-08-2014, 03:08 PM
It's my theory that the person that invented pebble textured plastic trim has never washed and waxed a car.


That quote can be used for so many things. Just like the mechanic saying if the engineer had to fix this, he would have designed it much more user friendly.

12-08-2014, 04:18 PM
You are so right Mike...especially GM trim!!!!

Honestly OP, I do not wax anymore, and haven`t for a long time. But when I did, I waxed via machine, the Griots 3" unit mainly. I feel that you are able to be more precise applying wax around trim with a machine and especially spread it equally. We all hate dealing with the dried globs.

12-14-2014, 12:24 PM
Well that settles it! Thanks guys.

12-14-2014, 12:48 PM
I tape certain mouldings but not every car.

12-14-2014, 12:49 PM
I am a no tape person, just a very careful person when you get close to the trim. I do use products that do not stain trim. I think with an excellent quality product you can skip that step. At least in my case that is so. If I can avoid taping I will as that takes quite a bit of time.

Technique helps. I am probably going against the grain here on this thread and many will say I am nuts, blasphemy, ewww and whatever pun intended; that's OK...Merry Christmas everyone!! LOL

If I absolutely have to tape I will so do not think I do not tape at all....I will if I have too. Depends on car....

12-14-2014, 03:17 PM
I do use products that do not stain trim


Which non-staining compounds are you using?

12-14-2014, 03:29 PM
I am more careful with my technique more so than product. However, the product that I use that I have done well on is Menzerna FG400 and SF4500. So far, I have had no issues with trim. My last detail (Honda Accord Coupe) I made sure I was careful with the trim. Additionally, if I did get product on the trim I removed it quickly before it could dry. I think that would be the reason why I have no marks on the trim.

Additionally, I think TAPING SUCKS!! LOL. It is a necessary task if need be. If I can avoid it I will. I think I attribute my technique as a time saver.

I am not saying I am the best detailer...far from it! I am just lazy to tape!!!....LOL

Their Power lock is a great product too. I think if you get the product off the trim before it dries is another help. I actually keep a cotton dish towel at the ready if I screw up.

IMO, this will save a lot of time in detailing. The wax I use is also trim friendly. Additionally, more and more compound/polishing manufacturer's are coming out with better "non-trim staining" products.

I hope this helps.

12-15-2014, 07:31 AM
What kind of tape is everyone using? I have been using Frog Tape, but it's expensive and comes with that stupid plastic case. I also used basic automotive masking tape and it worked okay. I have learned that you get what you pay for when it comes to masking tape, I'll never buy cheap tape again! The residue left behind has never been a problem but I wasnt sure if there was something bigger and better out there.

Paul A.
12-15-2014, 10:58 AM
I still tape however am still using a rotary for the majority of my machine work. My opinion is 10 mins. taping all of those areas i don't want to risk even though i am careful and the 1 minute removing it all is worth it for me. It gives me a little insurance and removes any worry of damage or product buildup in cracks and crevices.

I use 3M blue painters tape and buy it by the case. Not cheap but relatively inexpensive "insurance".

Joe Tavarez
12-15-2014, 11:57 AM
What I like to do is before I start compounding or polishing, I go around the car and put a thick layer of dressing on the trim. In my experience any residue that gets on the trim can simply be wiped off after. It's faster that going around taping and cheaper too. For more expensive cars I would take my time to tape any "weird" areas.

12-15-2014, 01:08 PM
I tape over everything!!