View Full Version : Clear coat has turned white?

12-06-2014, 11:01 PM
My wife drives a '99 Dodge Grand Caravan. It was a wonderful wedding gift to us 8 years ago from her grandparents. The Colorado sun has taken its toll though. The roof and hood have faded pretty badly from the Cherry Red to almost white.

I don't have any pictures handy (I'll snap some tomorrow and post them), but in your guys' experience is it possible paint or clear coat damage? I know those Caravans had some issues with the paint. But the clear coat hasn't peeled off or anything (unlike the hood of my Jetta). I was up on a step ladder compounding the Jeep roof tonight and looked over at the van and it's gotten pretty bad. We plan on replacing it in the next several months, but if I can help the paint in any way, I'd like to.

Thanks for everyone's time! Again, I'll get some pictures of it up tomorrow.

Oh yeah. I cleaned a test section on the roof. Clayed it, compounded and polished it. It helped A LOT. The paint is still very light. It's more pink than white now though.

12-06-2014, 11:36 PM
How frequently have you been waxing the Caravan and Jetta?

12-06-2014, 11:42 PM
I've had the Jetta 2 years and haven't ever waxed it, honestly. The clear was starting to peel when I bought it. It's kind of a beater DD, so, yeah...

The van? Maybe a handful of times.

I've never been much to mind paint, in all honesty. We've never owned very nice cars or even cars with somewhat nice paint. The fade on the Caravan sorta snuck up on me.

12-07-2014, 12:32 AM
If you have had the Caravan for 8 years and waxed it "a hand full of times" you are likely experiencing the beginning of clear coat failure

Here is some information that may be helpful:



When you do purchase a new vehicle, you should be protecting the paint 4 times per year with a quality paint protectant (wax, sealant)

12-07-2014, 12:48 AM
Yeah, I kinda figured that what was going on. It hasn't turned into a 'rash' or anything like that. Just white.

I'm from Seattle and hadn't ever seen a car get it's clear coat beat up badly until we moved here a few years ago! The next rig will be much better taken care of cosmetically and will be living in a garage full-time.