View Full Version : TUF Shine Black Restore Kit

11-28-2014, 04:12 PM
I was wondering how good this would be for the wheel wells? I'm thinking of getting it. What would be better, the kit or DLUX? I want to keep them looking good with minimal upkeep.

11-28-2014, 04:19 PM
I have used it on my Avalanche with awesome results and durability. My Avalanche does not have all of the cladding, just around the bed. However, wheel wells take a beating. Don't know how it will perform there. I really like it on the cladding though

11-28-2014, 08:58 PM
DLux by far. I test TS BR and it didn't work out for me. It peeled after a week or so and left peeling black stuff all over my trim. I've never had any issue with DLux and have all my trim coated with it. I started using Meg's D4510 on my wheel wheels on my truck. It is an aerosol - so it's no touch. Plus, it's the only product I've found that doesn't turn to black slime the next time you clean the wheel wells. Durability seems to be only 1 or 2 puddles though.

My BMW has DLux on the wheels wells. Keep in mind if your going to DLux wheels wells your going to have to pull the wheels and get the wells surgically clean - which is a lot more work than it sounds (speaking from experience). You will likely have flung tar and possibly a dead animal or two stuck up there to deal with.

11-28-2014, 09:25 PM
Thanks for the responses guy. I decided to go with DLUX. I don't mind getting them clean. I'd rather do it right the first time then having to go back and do it again anyway. I'm gonna pull the tires anyway so I can put the TUF shine coating on the tires. Brand new tires so no dressings of any kind yet.

Thanks again.