View Full Version : Damn you raaaaain!!! Damn you to hell!!!

11-21-2014, 12:53 PM
So just decided to break my virginity by giveing my car it's first touch ups. So washed and dried it and it's looking immaculate. All is going well then I decide to use my Wolfgang Deep Gloss Liquid Seal which just arrived today. Half way through and BAM! the damn rain decided to roll into town! What should my next steps be?? I have never done anything like this so don't have a clue what to do. Will I need to wash it again?

p.s I am currently sitting in my car sulking wiping down my dash with 303 wipes :( lol.

11-21-2014, 01:02 PM
I'd go for some sort of Rinseless, No Rinse, Rinse Free Wash (the names go on and on) bath. As long as you didn't drive through any huge mud puddles or anything it should come out looking just like it did before the rain and save you a ton of time.

I like using RFW in a 5 Gallon Bucket with about 10 plush MF towels soaking in the solution. Flipping the towel over after each pass, this way you never reintroduce dust or dirt to the paint. After you've used all sides of the towel switch to a different towel. Work Panel by Panel and have a couple dry plush MF towels to wipe it dry with before you move to the next panel.

How To Use A Rinseless Wash, no rinse car wash, Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine, Detailer's Pro Series Rinseless Wash & Gloss, ONR (http://www.autogeek.net/how-to-use-rinseless-wash.html)

11-21-2014, 01:14 PM
Not sure what you're asking. Are you concerned the rain ruined the WDGPS you just put on? If so, then yes. It's probably ruined. I live in a rainforest where the only month it doesn't rain is July. Before I put on WDGPS, I first check the weather channel. Seriously!! ��

11-21-2014, 01:38 PM
I don't mind if it washed off I'm just worried I am going to have a hell of a time trying to clean off whatever streaks it may have left. Tbh the weather report should have definitely been checked seeing as I live in Scotland, that was a rookie move but we live and learn, every day is a school day lol.
Thanks kingsford,I'll give the rinsless wash route a go, I was actually already looking for a rinsless product before you recommended it, this just might speed up the buying process lol.