View Full Version : Erin Andrews...SHE HAS TO GO!

Klasse Act
11-02-2014, 03:13 PM
Besides bringing NOTHING to the table, her voice is so PIERCING and just sounds like a ditz when she talks, trying SO hard to fit in. Besides all that, surely she was brought in because "someone" thought she was some sort of "eye candy", yeah, candy in the way candy corn is candy:rolleyes:

Am I alone in this???

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11-02-2014, 03:44 PM
Erin Andrews...(Jill; I call her Jill)...hasn't she already
"had it bad enough" in her short broadcasting career:

•The invasion-of-privacy case, in which an Illinois man made a video recording of her (unknowingly?), through a hotel peep-hole and posted it on the Internet...

•Gave up some chin to one of Alex Cora's balls, in foul territory, during a Dodgers-Mets baseball game.


11-02-2014, 03:47 PM
If she wants to cover sports let her cover women's volleyball at the Olympics, stay away from manly sports

11-02-2014, 04:38 PM
If she wants to cover sports let her cover women's volleyball at the Olympics, stay away from manly sports

What are manly sports exactly? Kind of sad in this day and age to see this type of sexism, even more so on this forum.

I don't know about you but I think I'd pass on going up against Olympic women's volleyball players.

Either way back to the OP I can't says she bothers me to the extent that she does to you. She's pretty knowledgeable and better than more than a few announcers.

11-02-2014, 04:42 PM
I like Erin Andrews. She spent several years on the Saturday college football show with Herbstreit, Corso, et al so she has some football pedigree. The Dancing with stars thing probably made her some money but hurt her sports cred. And she's way hot.

Klasse Act
11-02-2014, 05:07 PM
Not sure if this is sexist or not but here we go! I can do without all the "bells and whistles" when it comes to football, pre-game comedy shows, fantasy football implications and player updates and ofcoarse, women placed there because they "think" it attracts more male viewers, really! I can only speak for myself but I'm watching football for the GAME, what a concept, don't need or want the "eye candy". I have never heard a single person in passing conversation say "boy, the woman on the sideline or on a panel show really made me think and brought up an original thought". The sports anchor shows, my God don't get me started there! You have 2 or 3 guys who played the game and know it inside and out and then some woman there reading something, really....PLEASE!

Can we just have one thing left sacred, untouched by the PC police or marketing people that really "think" more woman will watch football if they see and hear woman before, during and after a game? Every woman I've ever asked says they wanna hear people talking about the game that really, truely know the game and are passionate about the game, is that asking too much....I guess so:banghead:

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11-02-2014, 05:13 PM
Not sure if this is sexist or not but here we go! I can do without all the "bells and whistles" when it comes to football, pre-game comedy shows, fantasy football implications and player updates and ofcoarse, women placed there because they "think" it attracts more male viewers, really! I can only speak for myself but I'm watching football for the GAME, what a concept, don't need or want the "eye candy". I have never heard a single person in passing conversation say "boy, the woman on the sideline or on a panel show really made me think and brought up an original thought". The sports anchor shows, my God don't get me started there! You have 2 or 3 guys who played the game and know it inside and out and then some woman there reading something, really....PLEASE!

Can we just have one thing left sacred, untouched by the PC police or marketing people that really "think" more woman will watch football if they see and hear woman before, during and after a game? Every woman I've ever asked says they wanna hear people talking about the game that really, truely know the game and are passionate about the game, is that asking too much....I guess so:banghead:

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To clarify. I agree with this, I don't care who announces. But networks are in the business of money and advertising and they make their decisions accordingly. At the end of the day while you have your opinion, if viewership increases or surveys show a larger demographic watching because of the announcer choices then it's going to be around and there's nothing much we can do about it.

But calling sports "manly" and keeping someone off from announcing because they are a woman, or man in reverse situations is ridiculous.

11-02-2014, 05:38 PM
If she wants to cover sports let her cover women's volleyball at the Olympics, stay away from manly sports

:wow: :doh:

11-02-2014, 06:29 PM
Going to close before this goes very wrong.