View Full Version : Best applicator for wax?

10-26-2014, 07:44 PM
I'm a beginner, and my plan right now is to wash with Meguiar's gold, claybar, then just use Meguiar's Cleaner wax. At some point I might use Collinite over that.

Anyway, I have meguiar's 4" foam applicator pads, but I'm wondering if there is something better? They don't even list wax application as one of the things to use them for on the packaging!

What's the best way to apply cleaner wax by hand?


10-26-2014, 08:06 PM
Sounds like a good plan of attack, however to apply a cleaner wax you will want to swipe a light amount on to the ] foam applicator you already have then work into a small area then wipe/buff the excess away with a clean microfiber towel repeat this process until the whole vehicle is done

10-26-2014, 08:22 PM
do you have a DA. you would benefit by using one as it would help clean the paint and not tire out your arm/hands...

10-26-2014, 08:37 PM
do you have a DA. you would benefit by using one as it would help clean the paint and not tire out your arm/hands...

I really want to start out doing everything by hand.

I just wasn't sure if there were better application options out there.

10-26-2014, 08:46 PM
-Meguiar's Cleaner wax.
-I have meguiar's 4" foam applicator pads...
-What's the best way to apply cleaner wax by hand?

Here's a couple of Mike Phillips' articles that should prove to be helpful:





10-26-2014, 08:49 PM
For cleaner wax, I use a microfiber applicator. I think you get a better cleaning effect than with just foam. As mentioned previously, a DA works great with cleaner wax if you want to speed things up or your arms/hands are tiring.

For non-cleaner paste wax, I prefer foam applicators for applying wax. Just dampen the foam beforehand. I prefer it over the microfiber applicators because I think the microfiber absorbs a lot of product. Just what I prefer. I would imagine others prefer the microfiber.
I go the DA route sometimes also. I think it works the product into the paint better providing better coverage. I use it for applying wax/sealants twice a year or more, after the long winter and also just before winter. For wash and wax maintenance during the summer, I enjoy a relaxed pace and apply by hand.