View Full Version : Deep Bumper Paint Scratch 14 Impreza

10-25-2014, 04:18 PM
So today while doing my interior with 303 aerospace... (which came out great!) https://photos-1.dropbox.com/t/1/AACGFmT6Wpa42Qw4nBD0P6gygKNt-WCGJ3NAV2Mzqnaurw/12/60422064/jpeg/1024x768/3/1414278000/0/2/20141025_131038.jpg/NH2nOl_aMnwQf6TD53NmG-06rKaTb2HXGS1J2EjCcVM

I noticed this on my front drivers bumper. I got this car exactly 1 month ago today.. I must have done it Friday coming home but don't remember hitting any rocks or branches.


Anyone have any experience fixing minor issues like this? I planned to wax this weekend. Should I repair this before I seal and wax for winter? Any recommendations on kits? Should I do something to prep it like light sand before I wax? It's pretty rough where it dug into a bit of the plastic and left some burrs.