View Full Version : Opti-Glass coating vs. Opti-Coat 2.0

10-24-2014, 06:46 AM
I applied Optimum Opti-Glass coating to all glass on my DD Grand Cherokee 8 months ago and then after 1.5 months I applied Opti-Coat 2.0 to all paint + wheels..

- Opti-Glass performed great so far. No matter how dirty/contaminated it gets, still beads and sheets very well.
- Opti-Coat 2.0 performed great for about 3 months then started degrading (beading & sheeting not so good) so I thought my application was not perfect and coating has failed but that wasn't the issue, it was contaminates killing the beading and sheeting.

I used the Nanoskin fine mitt today so finally got rid of the contaminates and beading/sheeting restored to at least 90% but...

Both paint and glass (horizontal & vertical surfaces) were coated and both got contaminates on them but opti-glass (applied 1.5 months earlier than opti-coat) was performing much better!

What could be the reasons for that?
- They are different types of coating so they have different characteristics and abilities.
- Different types of cleaners and products used on paint and glass.
- The Opti-Glass clean & protect glass cleaner I used a few times was really enhancing the glass coating.
- Other reasons?! What do you think guys?

Products I used on coated glass:
- Meg's perfect clarity glass cleaner.
- Meg's D120, only once.
- Optimum Opti-Glass clean & protect glass cleaner, only a few times.

Products I used on coated paint:
- Soaps: Optimum, ONR, TW rinse-less, CG honeydew, Carpro reset (last 2 washes only and I love it).
- QD/Waterless: Zaino Z6, Sonax BSD, Pinnacle WW w/carnauba, UWW+.
- OPC, only once.
- OCW, maybe 2 or 3 times.