View Full Version : is this normal for Duragloss 501?

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10-20-2014, 05:58 PM
this is one of my cars. 2008 Sebring Convertible with extremely low miles. I used Duragloss 501 on this exactly 3 months ago. I didn't mix it with 601, just used it straight up with a GG6. I washed it this weekend and noticed it basically looks like it hasn't been waxed it year. the paint was not beading at all. much as I hate to admit it, this was the first time it had been washed since. it just got back from a 3,000 trip to Florida for 3 weeks. it sits out at night and has been driven daily since using the DG501. it has been a very cool and summer around here, so I cant imagine the heat caused this. any ideas? seems like DG would have lasted longer than this.

10-20-2014, 10:37 PM
That does seem a bit off to me. I've had the vertical panels of my truck give up after 2.5-3 months, but not the horizontal panels like you're showing. The hood would last 4 to maybe five.

I should also say my truck sits outside 24/7 and is driven 300mi/week. Unfortunately I don't know why dg501 failed so soon for you.

10-20-2014, 10:57 PM
To my knowledge DG501 is a polish moreso than an AIO. I am not surprised by the durability.

10-21-2014, 06:56 AM
Definitely not in my experience. That should still show more activity in the reaction to the water.

10-21-2014, 07:57 AM
To my knowledge DG501 is a polish moreso than an AIO. I am not surprised by the durability.

With my limited uses with DG501, and although it is called a Polish, I've noted very little in the way of Polish Abrasives in it.

At least with a DA anyway. There probably is a very small minor amount of abrasives, but I've found it's not a product to rely on if wishing to do any forms of paint correction, even just extremely mild swirling. But it does appear to have good paint cleansing properties.

Perhaps since it is a "combo" sort of product, and may contain less in the way of a sealant ingredient versus #105 or the pure #111, maybe one cannot really expect too much more longevity than 3-4 months on average? Something applied prior to the DG-501,, and perhaps a lack of prior paint prep may have shortened its durability?

I'm no "DG Expert", but the absence of the 601 PBA may shorten its life some?

Maybe next time, try their 105 or 111 products?

Perhaps as well, if you're looking for better durability on the cheap, maybe check out products such as Collinite #845, or better yet, #476 Paste. Downsides with these though, nothing in the way of paint cleaners in them, only solvents that might cut greases and oils, nothing more.

10-21-2014, 08:13 AM
Other thoughts are that there is probably no car shampoo that can come along, remove dirt-contaminants, and not eventually effect a protectant's durability.

I would assume dew can also effect longevity.

Audios S6
10-21-2014, 08:16 AM
That short of lifespan is not what I've experienced from 501. Was the car beading well when you gave it an initial rinse? I'm wondering if something in your soap is modifying the surface.

May want to try a quick IPA wipedown. If that doesn't work, you may try to clay a small section to verify it's not an environmental contaminant.

10-21-2014, 08:52 AM
I use 501 and 601 all the time, that is not typical for 501. I will get 5-6 months out of 501/601. I would reapply and give it 20 mins to bond, even though 601 flash cures.

10-21-2014, 09:17 AM
I've had the same experience when using it without 601. Only lasts a couple months. I used to only use it when I wanted to clean the paint. Now I've switched to squeaky clean so I can have a super clean surface and add whatever lsp I want.

Klasse Act
10-21-2014, 11:48 AM
I'm not saying DG #501 is going to be the longest lasting product out there, none of us that use it would every say that but 3 monthes on an outdoor parked DD isn't really horrible for this product w/o #601 mixed into it.

I'm also wondering about the use of a machine to apply it, its possible that you didn't apply enough product and when combined with using a machine it may have been applied TOO thinly, just a thought.

I would like to suggest doing the combo of #501 and followed up by either #105 or even #111:thumbup:

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10-21-2014, 01:40 PM
I'm not saying DG #501 is going to be the longest lasting product out there, none of us that use it would every say that but 3 months on an outdoor parked DD isn't really horrible for this product w/o #601 mixed into it.

I would like to suggest doing the combo of #501 and followed up by either #105 or even #111:thumbup:

I use 501 regularly and while it cleans exceptionally well, I've never left it untopped long enough to test longevity. Topping with either DG105 or DG111 gives you some serious longevity. I just traded my tired, old DD that had 501/601 topped with 105 on June 30 and it was still going strong on Oct 5 when I turned it in.http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee388/kaminokids/Intrigue%2010-5-14/IMG_1917.jpg

I used the same combo last fall, then topped it with Colli 476 and it got me through an entire winter with ease. I finally polished in June just 'cause I felt guilty.
IMHO, DG will never overwhelm you with it's beauty or beading, but it does hang around for a long time and does seem to shed dirt better than anything else I've used, so it has a permanent spot on my shelves for DD use.


Klasse Act
10-21-2014, 08:48 PM
I use 501 regularly and while it cleans exceptionally well, I've never left it untopped long enough to test longevity. Topping with either DG105 or DG111 gives you some serious longevity. I just traded my tired, old DD that had 501/601 topped with 105 on June 30 and it was still going strong on Oct 5 when I turned it in.http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee388/kaminokids/Intrigue%2010-5-14/IMG_1917.jpg

I used the same combo last fall, then topped it with Colli 476 and it got me through an entire winter with ease. I finally polished in June just 'cause I felt guilty.
IMHO, DG will never overwhelm you with it's beauty or beading, but it does hang around for a long time and does seem to shed dirt better than anything else I've used, so it has a permanent spot on my shelves for DD use.


Great lookin' DD:props:

10-21-2014, 08:57 PM
lack of product on the pad is never an issue for me, I usually use too much actually. this was the first time it had been washed, to my knowledge. I just loaned it to my parents to drive to Florida for 3 weeks. its possible they drove it through a car wash, but unlikely. I washed it with some over the counter Rain X this time (I know, I know). it wasn't even beading before I pre-rinsed it. no big deal, it will be garaged for the winter soon. will deal with it next spring.

Klasse Act
10-22-2014, 08:48 AM
Yeah, if I were using my GG6" to apply DG #501 I'd use more product because your basically applying it and removing it at the same time. If its on a car not maintained too much the use of DG #501 w/ a machine would clean that much better, a good technique IMO when in that situation.

One thing about this thread though, needs more #601;)

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10-22-2014, 09:54 AM
That's not close to the durability I get from 501. Just getting ready to do my winter prep & still beading strong, the beads aren't quite as tall & round as when freshly applied.
It sprinkled lightly last week which lleft the hood, roof, & deck of my car filthy from washing the dust & dirt out of the air. Next day it poured & those same surfaces were so clean they looked like I just washed it.
100% sold on the DG product line.